Just a little CONSerned

Common Sense & Family Matters

Government vs The People

I am working on an article concerning the salaries, pensions, perks, etc, of Government employees versus the private sector. Meaning, the rest of us. While I am compiling the numbers and stats, what do you think. Why do those we elect to represent us make 3-4x and upwards a yearly salary, PLUS benefits, and pensions, when the rest of us do not have anything even close to it. Why?

And your views on the senate? Overpaid under worked payoff positions?

September 20, 2012, 9:50 PM - Posted by | All News


  1. Now that the war of 1812 is over, are we still paying for it?


    Comment by Philipe Deloran | September 20, 2012, 11:23 PM | Reply

  2. We should have a meeting of just the public.Elect spokes people and set out new guidelines and rules that these people must follow when we elect them..THEN set up a pay scale that we the public are willing to pay to public servants at all levels of Government..If they don’t agree to these salaries,out the door they go..I do not want someone who I hired and am paying a salary to be my boss..If we must start over to get out of debt,let us do it properly.Start with getting rid of the unions,then get control of our employees and their never ending perks and wage increases.


    Comment by bertie | September 21, 2012, 7:36 AM | Reply

  3. “Why do those we elect to represent us make 3-4x and upwards a yearly salary, PLUS benefits, and pensions, when the rest of us do not have anything even close to it. Why?”
    because they have convinced us over the decades that they are doing Gods work. if we want the best and the brightest, we must pay for the best and the brightest. the problem with such a statement is that if a certified moron runs against an ivy league graduate and the moron is running for the party of choice, the above statement is moot but the perception remains.
    as Murray Rothbard, austrian economist, once remarked in a lecture,” i was told once that we need the best and the brightest in govt because its such an important job. i told the guy that we need the best and brightest in the private sector. what we need in govt is people who cant even figure out how to work the doorknob to get into their offices. they do far less damage that way.”


    Comment by brad maynard | September 21, 2012, 9:55 AM | Reply

  4. Well, here is a good example of a bureaucrat with entitlement. He travels from his home in Winnipeg to Ottawa where his job is every week (short one for sure), charges taxpayers hotel, meals and etc. Seems noone cares.



    Comment by The LS from SK | September 22, 2012, 10:55 AM | Reply

What do you think?