Just a little CONSerned

Common Sense & Family Matters

WSIB a Fraudulent Agency?

I thought I was done with the fighting, the jumping through hoops, and the threats. But now I am faced with an even greater problem. It has been some time since I posted anything about my private life here on this blog, and though I am apprehensive about sharing more I’m going to do it anyways. Perhaps there are other people going through the same thing, and maybe somewhere there is someone that can help.

On October 2nd I posted a story about what was going on in my life at the time with WSIB, and you can see that here. It will give you a little background information leading up to what is happening now.

My medication has been changed numerous times since then, including OXY CONTIN, CODEINE CONTIN, AMYTRIPTILINE, DEMEROL, And LYRICA. Now I am strictly on Morphine, one is a slow release the other a stronger dose for breakthrough pain. Aside from the inherent drowsiness and loss of motor skills that come with this medication there is also the side effects, like constipation and severe cramps. Without going in to too much detail it is not very pleasant. At this level of medication I am still not pain free but it is at a “tolerable” level as long as I am not too active.

Right now my abilities, and my Doctors assessment of my condition concur, I can not sit for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. I can not walk very far or for very long. I cannot do any bending and turning at the same time. My weight restrictions on lifting is not much more than 15 pounds. My ability to concentrate for long periods of time is diminished, and I get “spaced out” at random intervals.

WSIB, knowing this and having seen my Doctors report, is forcing me to enter a 4 week re training program aimed at returning me to work or lose my entitlement to benefits. And though I am told I may appeal this action, before that process is complete I must comply with their decision. Which means that they are forcing me to do something against my Doctors orders, something I am not physically capable of doing in order to continue receiving benefits.

I will concede that there are many cases of fraud that this agency must deal with. But in this case the medical file on record in this case is stacked high and I have piles of medical documentation, tests, and reports to back up what I have said. Yet, they still maintain their position that I am fit for work and all I need is a 4 week course to get trained in a new job and all will be right in their world.

This is our Government at work.


August 18, 2009, 7:33 PM - Posted by | All News


  1. It’s like an episode of Hogan’s Heroes “and the commandant is sleeping.”
    You (any injured worker) should be paid from the date of an accident (Loss of Earnings Benefit and much more) but WSiB routinely defrauds desperate IW from back/ retroactive pay by psychologically working sick/injured workers with promises, that if YOU wave back pay, then they will start to pay “benefit” in no time with out EXCESSIVE scrutiny / investigation!


    Comment by Andrew | March 14, 2011, 11:37 AM

  2. Andrew said:


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Please PREVENT Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) on Criminal Grounds of Inadmissibility / committing acts which constitute the essential elements of a crime involving moral turpitude ( FROUD, CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY AND MANY MORE) , from participation in adjudicative process. An attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime is included in this ground. They committed/ committing acts which constitute the essential elements of a violation or conspiracy to violate many laws / regulations in Canada.

    The convictions arose not from a single trial or arose from a single scheme of conduct involving moral turpitude but from years long PATERN OF BEHAVIOUR. (Evidence).

    Those individuals engaged in criminal activities on behalf of Criminal Corporation (Apotex) FOR MANY YEARS AND THEY MUST BE STOPED!

    I know /have reason to believe that those individuals are known assisters, abettors, conspirators, colluders with others in the illicit acts to torture, discriminate, deny medical help to me / a disabled person.

    It is submitted , that Apotex / Counsel, Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) as well as Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) should be prevented from abuse and obstruction of ALL adjudicative processes and from making any frivolous, vexatious , trivial , made in bad faith suggestions with out any merit / scientific / legal bases further tormenting/ torturing me /a victim. Thos individuals should be charged with Contempt of all Administrative Boards, Commissions, Tribunals processes etc.

    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) falsified all records provided by them to all Government Agencies and engaged others / employees in criminal conspiracy (documented) which untimely further deteriorated(s) my state of health.

    Those individuals purposely are omitting very critical evidence and medical conditions (or are reducing it in to insignificance).

    For many years those individuals were committing crimes against me / a victim by falsifying/ concealing evidence / Documents, soliciting criminal witnesses etc.

    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) got engaged in intentional malicious conduct on behalf of Criminal Corporation violating all statutes with a reckless indifference. They acted in the face of a perceived risk that their actions will violate all laws, torture and destroy / kill suffering, sick person.


    Mr. Carl Peterson, (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos did knowingly and willfully make a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the Ontario Labor Board, WSiB, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Tribunal and other Government Agencies, in the process DENIED MEDICAL HELP as well as obstructed Canadian Constitution, Legal System etc.

    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did contribute to my permanent disability, irreparable damage. Issues and/or events which occurred after my departure from Employer are also in full are Apotex’s (Mr. Peterson’s -Company’s Counsel and Ms. Koos as accomplices /executors ) liabilities due to fact that those individuals on behalf of Apotex actively sabotaged legal /administrative proceedings in all Government Agencies in question. Preliminary matters are that Mr. Peterson (Company’s Counsel) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) in premeditated manner are torturing me for MANY, MANY years and pending. They / Company /accomplices act without any consideration for the human rights and my well being despite their awareness of my situation and familiarity with my File.

    Apotex is defiant, not regretful, with out remorse, not willing to correct wrong doings.

    Mr. Carl Peterson,(Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) falsified or concealed all records provided by them to Ontario Labor Board, WSiB, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Tribunal and other Government Agencies (collectively Government) and engaged other people in criminal conspiracy (documented) which untimely further deteriorates my state of health. On behalf of Company they committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did contribute to permanent disability, irreparable damage.

    Those individuals got involved in my Case, purposely were omitting /altering very critical evidence and medical conditions (or were reducing it in to insignificance) and were paid for it while limiting my professional and personal life, making challenging my social life, destroyed my marriage, imposed extreme hardship on my family and relatives/friends and in vicious / malicious manner on on going bases are preventing me from enjoying my Constitutional Right to obtain medical help, be able to provide for myself etc.

    In near future I may select to proceed with CIVIL/ CRIMINAL/ LEGAL ACTIOMN AGAINST Mr. Carl Peterson , his Firm (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex).

    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP):

    *Despite his OATH TO HER MAJESTY “JUSTICE” TO SERVE LOYALLY, JUSTIFETLY THOSE IN NEED /JUSTICE SYSTEM, unfortunately he selected to utilize his knowledge / expertise in criminal, amoral, unprincipled manner. He explored /utilized gross deficiencies of the Regulatory System and acted against very sick /disadvantaged / UNREPRESENTED ex-employee of criminal Corporation contributing great deal to my suffer and to my misery for many, many years.


    *He could not restrain his bad impulses.

    *He prevented me from access to Lawyers, to the legal system, to justice!

    *Mr. Carl Peterson did every thing in his capacity to make me unsuccessful in my drive for help and justice despite his awareness of my medical conditions / personal situation and the evidence conforming my allegations.

    *Mr. Carl Peterson directly disrespected me twice in the period of my struggle while during Mediation process in Labour Board he abandoned the proceedings and left the Conference Room with out saying any thing (out of the blue he got up and left the proceedings).

    *The same behaviour he demonstrated second time around during Mediation at Human Rights Commission living Room with out saying a world (out of the blue he got up and left the proceedings).

    *Mr. Carl Peterson wants to participate in judicial process conducted by WSIAT but he is not in position to make any decisions nor he has any authorisations to act on behalf of the Company to mediate any thing ( he did not forward any documents supporting his powers accept Participation Authorisation). The same situation was every were else.

    *Appears, that Mr. Carl Peterson wants yet again to derail this time around WSIAT’S PROCES.

    *This is fundamentally undemocratic and not acceptable!

    Legal profession changed very negatively in Canada.

    It becomes a business interested in making profit not making judgments based on merits.

    *Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) becomes enabler for Apotex! He manipulated system/ Government Agencies in order to torture, torment, deny of all civil/ constitutional rights, medical help to a disabled person etc.


    Ms. K. Koos (Apotex):

    • Despite numerous letters from WSiB demanding Safety Data from Employer, Ms. K. Koos for many months stagnated process claiming, that SHE MUST PREPARE /fabricate THEM (SHE DID SORTE OUT WHAT WAS IN SUPPORT OF MY CLAIM) and provided selective / bias info.

    • Ms. K. Koos obtain “list of products” that I was exposed to (?) from dysfunctional employee who during his employment created an accident at work place and he become a victim of it. Later on he becomes Apotex’s “safety” rep. and a criminally motivated “witness”.

    • She miss represented herself claiming , that she did on regular bases meet with me to discuss safety issues and to do some safety quizzes while the truth are that she started her employment with Apotex 3 (three) years after I was criminally terminated.

    • Ms. K. Koos Provided number of quizzes to WSiB , which she claimed that I did complete during employment , while in fact all of them were completed by me in one / first day of my employment in 1997.

    • Ms. K. Koos altered my personal / Company’s medical records withholding / canceling all Records indicating my medical problems during my employment

    • Ms. K. Koos cancels Company’s Record indicating , that I was perfectly healthy before my employment with Apotex

    • She removed Company’s Records generated by Health and Safety Clinic recording fact that I never was issued any mask / protective equipment,

    • She counseled record, that Company was under construction during my 6,5 years of employment and all equipment / systems were invalidated/ not functional and buildings were substantially demolished with piles of debris constantly present in Manufacturing /Packaging areas during processes.

    • She concealed fact that during my employment Company did not have a Nurse on the stuff NOR OFFICIALY ORGANIZED SAFETY DEPARTMENT.


    • She did not disclose that most Apotex’s employees from my period of employment were temporary and are not employed any more.

    • She did not admit as Company’s Record show, that I worked with out any management, with out any in process quality control, on night shifts and that all my allegations are cross referenced by evidence.

    • Etc., etc., etc.

    Please include into my File additional medical condition MALICIOUSLY and in BAD FAITH, by means of fraud, deception , intentional deceit, perfidy omitted by all involved in my Case including Apotex’s Counsel Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP -who argues a legal position that he knows to be false – a Counsel who uses language and criminally twisted reasoning/ methodology which are deliberately misleading in order to deny my claim. Counsel, who is not willing /able to sincerely endorse the principles of justice), most Doctors, a CRIMINAL WSiB and all Government Agencies involved in my Case.

    In law, there are inconsistent definitions of bad faith, with one definition much more broad than used in other fields. Black’s Law Dictionary equates fraud with bad faith. But one goes to jail for fraud, and not necessarily for bad faith. The Duhaime online law dictionary similarly defines bad faith broadly as “intent to deceive”, and “a person who intentionally tries to deceive or mislead another in order to gain some advantage”. A Canadian labor arbitrator wrote, in one case, that bad faith is related to rationality in reasoning, as it is used in other fields, but is ill defined in the law.

    The concept of bad faith is likely not capable of precise calibration and certainly has not been defined in the same way by all adjudicators. At its core, bad faith implies malice or ill will. A decision made in bad faith is grounded, not on a rational connection between the circumstances and the outcome, but on antipathy toward the individual for non-rational reasons… The absence of a rational basis for the decision implies that factors other than those relevant were considered. In that sense, a decision in bad faith is also arbitrary. These comments are not intended to put to rest the debate over the definition of bad faith. Rather, it is to point out that bad faith, which has its core in malice and ill will, at least touches, if not wholly embraces, the related concepts of unreasonableness, discrimination and arbitrariness.

    What was called “Canada’s best judicial definition of ‘bad faith'” by Duhaime’s Legal Dictionary is similarly more consistent with use in other fields.

    Good faith and its opposite, bad faith, imports a subjective state of mind, the former motivated by honesty of purpose and the latter by ill-will.

    Duhaime also refers to another description, “…bad faith refers to a subjective state of mind… motivated by ill will … or even sinister purposes.”

    Punitive and exemplary damages

    Courts can award punitive or exemplary damages, over and above the claim, against any Corporation / individual or/and insurance company which is found to have adjusted a claim in bad faith; the damages may be awarded with the aim of deterring such behavior among insurers in general, and may far exceed the amount of the damage due under the insurance policy. In Canada, one case of this type resulted in a record punitive award of $1 million CAD when an insurance company pressed a claim for arson even after its own experts and adjusters had come to the conclusion that the fire was accidental; the company was advised by legal council that the desperate insured parties would be willing to settle for much less than what they were owed.

    IN MY CASE, Mr.Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) did knowingly and willfully make a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the Ontario Labor Board, WSiB (Workers Compensation Insurance Board), Ontario Human Rights Commission /Tribunal, obstructed Ontario Health Act, Ontario Labor Law as well as Canadian Constitution etc.

    IN MY CASE, Mr.Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did cause /contribute to permanent disability, irreparable damage.

    Company and all involved in sabotaging of my allegations must be INDICTED and convicted on multiple offences / crimes (Criminal Code, Constitutional provisions, Bill – 45, Bill 107, Bill – 168 and other Law provisions).

    Best Regards,

    (Apotex’s victim)


    Comment by Andrew | March 18, 2011, 12:08 PM

  3. Andrew said: Company asked own “witness” FOR LIST OF products I was exposed to and such info forwarded to WSiB which promptly utilized it (“valid material”) in adjudication process of my Application. SIMPLY JOUKE OUT OF A VICTIM /EVERY BODY , ALL Justice System, Human Rights Charter and all AGENTIAL STRUCTURES IN ONTARIO. SCANDAL! November 20, 2010 4:47 PM Andrew said: Apotex’s (employer’s) conduct at the time of my termination was conducted in bad faith, dishonestly, in a manner that caused public embarrassment, was callous, shocking, in blatant disregard of my (employee’s) dignity and well-being. It was done with an evil heart and purpose; malicious; wicked; villainous, lawless, felonious, corrupt, crooked, culpable, deplorable, dirty, heavy, illegal, illicit, immoral, indictable, iniquitous, nefarious, off base, out of line, scandalous, shady, unlawful, unrighteous, vicious, villainous, wicked, wrong. It was out right criminal! I was most vulnerable / very sick and hence, most in need of protection (both economic and personal). It was/is a traumatic event for me. Termination was accompanied by acts of bad faith in the manner of discharge and the results were/are especially devastating. I believe that in the course of dismissal employers ought to be candid, reasonable, honest and forthright with their employees and should refrain from engaging in conduct that is unfair or in bad faith by being for example, untruthful, misleading or unduly insensitive. Apotex tortured me during my employment and does it for 7 years after termination (pending). Apotex deprived me of all medical, economical and all other help / means. AND THAT WAS / IS DONE IN ONTARIO / CANADA ! December 2, 2010 11:14 AM Andrew said: During my employment (despite fact that Apotex did not have any money to purchase Personal Protection Equipment -PPE), it was financially rewording some new employees willing to generate false letters to Management, undermining my performance/personality/dedication/loyalty etc. Those false letters did cause to me a lot of aggravation. Those letters Company posted for all to view on internal website. Instead of providing me with some assistance in dealing with MFG, PKG AND COUNTLESS INCIDENTS/ACCIDENTS, Apotex was ordering some new employees to secretly take my pictures with/by cell phones in Facility while I performed challenging task to sustain MFG (Manufacturing) and PKG (Packaging) processes. Apotex engaged own employees in sabotaging of my work/ equipment, compromising health and safety of Personnel as well as further contaminating / cross-contaminating products. Apotex forwarded to Labour Board (in writing) motion to panelize me for apparent “OBUSE OF PROCESS” because I forwarded an Application under Occupational Health and Safety regulations, while I was very sick and discarded by Company with out any means to sustain my self /get medical help. December 8, 2010 5:43 PM Andrew said: WSiB Ontario – a criminal/ terror Agency! WORNING TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE THERE TO SUPPORT CLAIMS OF INJURED WORKERS. DOCTORS, HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONERS TERRORIZED BY WSiB WITH LEGISLATED CONSEQUENCES FOR SUPPORTING INJURED WORKERS. WSiB HAS THE POWER TO RE- INTERPRET/ QUESTOION DOCTORS AND HEALTH PROVIDERS DIAGNOSIS AND OCUSE ANY ONE OF Fraud and non-compliance. No wonder 99% of my Doctors refused to generate any records of my injuries or sabotaged them or strait forward falsified them. “Fraud and non-compliance: definitions, penalties, and reporting. What can I do if I suspect that a patient, an employer, a supplier, or another health care practitioner is not dealing honestly with the WSIB? You can use our toll-free action line or e-mail address to report suspected cases of non-compliance and fraud. In 1997 the WSIB announced a Zero Tolerance Strategy to ensure compliance and combat fraud. The Strategy included increased resources, a “tips ”Action Line, and the authority to conduct surveillance. The WSIB will identify non-compliance, fraud and irregularities by workers, employers, providers and suppliers and take appropriate action. This may result in charges under Sec.149 (4) (submitting false or misleading statements) of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, or Sec.380 (fraud) of the Criminal Code. “When reporting fraud or non-compliant behaviour you are not required to provide your name, address, or any other information that may identify you”. What constitutes an offence in dealing with WSIB? It is an offence when a health care provider or supplier intentionally does any of the following. What is the penalty for submitting false or misleading statements? Conviction can result in the following penalties: For an individual: A fine not to exceed $25,000 and/or a jail term of up to six months. For a corporation: A fine not to exceed $100,000. (Sec.158 (1) of the Act) The court may also order restitution of the full amount of money obtained by commission of the offence (Sec.149 (5) of the Act). Would a conviction under the Workplace Safety Insurance Act or the Criminal Code affect my licence to practice? In cases where a health care practitioner is convicted, the WSIB notifies the appropriate regulatory body and provides a factual summary. The regulatory body will take whatever action it deems necessary. Want to get involved in preventing fraud in Canada’s healthcare system? The Canadian Health Care Anti-Fraud Association acts on behalf of public and private sector healthcare organizations interested in preventing fraud in the Canadian healthcare environment.” In Ontario WSiB commits crimes against INJURED WORKERS! Despite fact, that Government Agencies (and politicians ) were aware of the situation for many years did not do any thing to rehabilitate the system (provided cover up for those activities). People in position of power are promoting (become accessory) to Domestic terrorism by WSiB!!!. Government Agencies refused to report crimes by WSiB and other Agencies against General Public to Police. Many key Government Agencies are dysfunctional and criminal. “Who does Not Know the Truth, is simply a Fool… Yet who Knows the Truth and Calls it a Lie, is a Criminal.” WSiB by its incompetence, luck of education / professionalism / expertise and criminal orientation as a Policy, totally ignores / is oblivious about side effects of treatments and medications they forcibly subject injured workers to undergo, additionally deteriorates injured workers condition and it is imposed on “victims” in criminally sadistic manner etc. A number of medications intended to treat psychiatric disorders are themselves capable of causing psychiatric adverse effects. Unfortunately, these medication-induced adverse effects can be mistaken for a lack of therapeutic efficacy, leading to increased dose prescribing, leading to even more adverse effects. In addition, a number of medications not intended to treat psychiatric disorders are capable of causing psychiatric adverse effects.. WSiB forcibly (by many means of coercions/ CRIMINAL MEANS etc.) forces injured workers to undergo unnecessary medical treatments (surgical proceedings, pharmacological treatments etc.) which often tremendously deteriorate injured workers conditions –often causing additional and irreversible damage. WSiB a criminal / terror Agency tormenting injured workers of Ontario and does it in legalized manner. How come WSiB ( “INSURANCE AGENCY” ) MANAGED TO LEGISLATE CRIMINAL IMMUNITY AND MANY OTHER FAR REACHEING LEGISLATIVES ALLOWING AGENCY TO DO SURVELIANCE, TO INPOSE RULES ON INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES, TO FORCE INJURED WORKERS TO BE SUBJECTED TO UNNECESSARY MEDICAL / PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS etc. ORGANIZED AND LEGALIZED CRIME!!!!!!!!! 1. “We’re often your doctor’s biggest source of information.” It’s comforting to imagine your physician sitting behind his desk after hours, carefully perusing reports on the latest drugs. While some still do their research the old-fashioned way, many doctors today get the bulk of their information from drug reps who are pushing specific medicines. To make sure physicians are paying attention, pharmaceutical companies spend more than $50 billion a year on promotional activities, according to a 2008 report, the most recent available. Typically, says Allen F. Shaughnessy, doctor of pharmacology and professor of family medicine at Tufts University, a drug rep gives a 90-second spiel that hits three or four salient points, followed by the classic sales pitch. And often doctors will bite. Reps “are very effective in changing physician behavior,” says Shaughnessy. That interaction is necessary says a spokesman for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), an industry group, because the companies have the most knowledge about the treatments that took them years to develop. To gauge how seriously your physician relies on drug reps, Shaughnessy suggests that you press for details: “Ask why you are taking the drug he is prescribing, and make sure you understand what they explain.” This approach will either get you the information you need, “or else you’ll see a physician who blusters and carries on about why you are questioning him,” says Shaughnessy. The latter scenario “will show you that they don’t have a clue.” 2. “Hype is our favorite medicine.” Choosing a medication shouldn’t be like choosing Pepsi over Coke. But that’s very much what’s happening, thanks to the drug companies and their ad agencies. With famous faces like Sally Field, NBA star Alonzo Mourning and Lance Armstrong all playing spokesperson for various brands of medication, the companies marketing prescription drugs have learned to harness celebrity star power to help boost their brands. Blame it on the Food and Drug Administration. In the late 1990s, the agency’s decision to liberalize drug advertising allowed direct-to-consumer, or DTC, campaigns, and pharmaceutical ad budgets skyrocketed. From 1996 to 2005, spending on DTC campaigns increased 330 percent, according to a 2007 study by The New England Journal of Medicine, the most recent study available. “It’s horrendous,” says Brian L. Strom, M.D., chairman of biostatistics and epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania. “It’s directly in conflict with proper therapeutics. But the manufacturers use patients as arms of their marketing departments.” It can be dangerous, too. When Olympian Dorothy Hamill appeared promoting Vioxx for her arthritis pain, prescriptions were filled before the drug’s heart risks became known. Strom says the drugs advertised are exactly the ones patients should not use. “If you needed them, I would have given them to you already,” he says. 3. “There’s no such thing as a free sample.” Patients love getting free trial-size medications from their doctors, doctors like giving them away, and drug companies rely on samples to filter new treatments into the pharmaceutical mainstream. In pushing free samples, drug companies hope that physicians will continue to prescribe the new—and often pricier—medication long after the honeymoon period is over. If the sample drug works and is tolerated, the physician will often continue to prescribe it instead of alternatives. The small outlay for free samples will eventually be compensated by large profits when physicians start prescribing the drug at full price, says Allan S. Brett, a professor of medicine and director of the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of South Carolina. While some believe that free samples are an important source of medication for uninsured patients who can’t afford to pay, studies have shown that most free samples are actually given to insured, says Brett. A bigger issue is safety, says Joel Lexchin, an emergency medicine doctor and professor at the School of Health Policy and Management at York University in Toronto. “What is being sampled is usually the newest product that has less known about its overall safety profile,” says Lexchin. In a recent statement about free samples, PhRMA said: “Clearly, the most important components of a prescribing decision are the physician’s clinical knowledge and the patient’s unique situation. Free samples can provide a useful tool in the prescribing decision.” 4. “Your doctor is our bounty hunter.” Facing mounting pressure to bring new medicines to market, drug companies often pay doctors who refer patients for their studies. And depending on the drug being tested, the payments will often be in thousands of dollars per patient. It should be noted, these aren’t payments for referring a patient. The physician is receiving payment to enroll a patient in a study, but he or she is involved in the research as well, says Daniel Carlat, a psychiatrist in Newburyport, Mass., who writes about the pharmaceutical industry on his blog. “Because there are such large financial incentives to enroll patients in studies, there’s the possibility that the patient might be enrolled inappropriately,” says Carlat. The problem is that patients who might be better served by getting standard medical treatment might instead be enrolled in a trial – and end up getting a placebo or another medication that they shouldn’t. The American Medical Association says it provides guidelines for physicians to manage potential conflicts of interest, and advises doctors to “be mindful of the conflicting roles of investigator and clinician and of the financial conflicts of interest that arise from incentives to conduct trials and to recruit subjects.” 5. “You’ll find out about side effects the hard way.” The arthritis painkiller Vioxx, a blockbuster drug after it was introduced in 1999, was taken off the market in 2004 when a study linked the drug to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. Bextra, another painkiller, was also removed from the market in 2005 after it was found to pose heart risks. The problem is that after a drug is approved, there’s not a real systematic way for identifying side effects, and making sure those are captured and detected in a reliable way, says James G. Stevenson, associate dean for clinical sciences at the University of Michigan Health System’s College of Pharmacy. There is a post-marketing surveillance process in the U.S., but it’s voluntary. It relies on physicians and health-care providers to report possible problems with a drug to the FDA or the manufacturer. “It’s their choice to do something with the information,” Stevenson says. Critics point to the drug industry’s funding of the FDA through so-called user fees – in the range of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. A company pays user fees when it submits the research that the FDA reviews before deciding to approve a reject a new drug. (These fees were legislated in 1992, under the Prescription Drug User Fee Act, with the aim of helping drugs get FDA review quicker.) Groups like Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy organization, say there’s an inherent conflict of interest. An agency cannot effectively regulate an industry that pays the salary of so many of its employees, says Dr. Sydney Wolfe, director of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group. Concerns about a conflict of interest are misplaced, according to the PhRMA, which says that the legislation has done much to advance public health and that safety is a big focus of the FDA drug review process. 6. “With all these complicated drug names, it’s no wonder you’re confused!” The FDA reviews over 500 proprietary (or “brand”) name drugs a year, through the Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology. Before a drug’s final moniker is settled on, it has to pass an expert panel review, handwriting and verbal analyses, a computer analysis, and overall risk evaluation, collectively aimed at minimizing the risk of soundalike and look-a-like names. But problems persist: Medication errors result in more than 7,000 deaths a year, according to the Institute of Medicine. How to avoid getting the wrong medication? Check your pills against those represented in an up-to-date illustrated reference book, such as “The Pill Book” by Harold Silverman (14th edition is set for release in April). With so many drug names floating around, it’s not surprising that there are mix-ups. Each drug has a brand name and most have a generic name. Names can potentially look or sound similar. “There are only have so many letters in the alphabet,” says Stevenson of the University of Michigan. PhRMA says it has worked with and continues to work with the FDA and other groups to prevent medication errors. 7. “Don’t trust anything you read about our drugs online . . .” If you’re searching the Internet for information on, say, arthritis, what better place than a site like Arthritis.com, right? Not necessarily. While you will certainly get information there, it will come from Pfizer, maker of arthritis drug Celebrex — not exactly an unbiased source. Similarly, if you’re looking to read up on depression, you’ll find the site Depression.com is run by GlaxoSmithKline, maker of antidepressants Wellbutrin and Paxil. The problem with these drug-sponsored medical-information sites is that they can easily be mistaken for noncommercial information sources. Even when such affiliations are made clear, the fine line between editorial and advertorial—which can be as subtle as the exclusion of seemingly minor details—becomes even finer when viewed on a computer screen. Nevertheless, Robert Rosa, professor of medicine and dean of regulatory affairs at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, doesn’t think it is an issue for most readers of these sites. They are sophisticated enough to realize that the company is sponsoring the information, he says. The most egregious misinformation online comes from companies peddling non-FDA-regulated products such as vitamins, minerals, and supplements, according to Brooks Edwards, M.D., the founding medical editor-in-chief of MayoClinic.com. “The most important thing in evaluating information is knowing where it’s coming from,” Edwards says. “Sometimes you can tell on the Internet, and sometimes you can’t.” 8. “. . . and be extra careful when ordering meds over the Internet.” Given that Americans spent more than $300 billion on prescription drugs in 2009, the temptation to shop around online for the cheapest prices can be alluring, especially for those who value privacy. But like with most things in life, cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean better. In fact, when it comes to buying prescription drugs over the Internet, big discounts might mean counterfeit capsules. The World Health Organization says counterfeit medicines pose huge health risks and that the growth in international trade of pharmaceutical ingredients and medicines adds further complexity to the issue. In over 50% of cases, drugs purchased online from illegal sites that conceal their physical address have been found to be counterfeit, according to the WHO. Since web site content is unregulated, the FDA’s only recourse is to issue warnings to the public about unreliable online purveyors of pharmaceuticals. It recommends that when buying medication online, you do so only from licensed pharmacies located in the United States; also, make sure the site requires a prescription and has a pharmacist available to answer questions by phone. You can find a list of state-licensed pharmacies on the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy web site. 9. “We know your medication history—because we bought it.” When a prescription is billed to a third party — any HMO or pharmacy benefits-management company — that third party can sell the data back to the drug manufacturer. This allows drug companies to know – in a particular zip code, for example – which medications are being prescribed and in what amounts, says Stevenson. And manufacturers can use that information to better target their sales efforts. “It’s like market research,” Stevenson says. In 2006 the American Medical Association made it an option for doctors to keep their prescribing information inaccessible to reps. As of 2010, about 25,000 had opted out (out of more than 700,000 patient-care physicians). Such information is extremely valuable to pharmaceutical companies, which use it to gauge the degree to which individual doctors are prescribing one medication over another in the same class. Then, in order to stimulate sales, drug companies offer a range of perks to groups of physicians plucked from the drugstores’ sales info. Their swag arsenal includes everything from dinners out to trips for medical conferences—all of which ultimately contribute to the rocketing costs of medication. “Doctors think of themselves as totally rational,” says Tufts’ Allen Shaughnessy.“They get offended when I tell them that they are human and cannot be wined and dined without being influenced.” PhRMA says prescription data help companies properly educate doctors about drugs in a targeted manner. And in the event of a drug shortage, a suspected drug counterfeiting or drug recall, “the federal system relies on the manufacturer to communicate directly and promptly with prescribing physicians,” a PhRMA spokesman said in a statement. The just-passed health-care reform also has a provision requiring drug and device companies, starting in 2013, to publicly report payments and gifts made to doctors. Some companies already do disclose such payments. However, there’s nothing in the provision that actually prevents doctors from giving these paid speeches, notes Allan Coukell, director of the Pew Prescription Project, a drug safety initiative of the Pew Charitable Trusts. 10. “We’re in cahoots with your insurer.” Stephen Fried was in the midst of writing “Bitter Pills,” an exposé of the pharmaceutical industry, when a doctor suddenly switched his uncle from Procardia XL to a similar high-blood pressure drug called Norvasc. Fried says he found out that “drug companies offer substantial discounts [to health care managers] if they put all their [appropriate] patients on a particular drug.” Insurers, of course, are trying to cut costs amid a continued rise in health care expenditures, and doctors typically do what the HMO requests. The problem? “You can have seizures, heart problems, dementia,” Fried says. “The only reason to switch drugs should be to enhance your health. But most drug switches are made for dollars and cents.” A drug company providing financial incentive to a pharmacy benefits manager to switch a patient from one drug to another without good reason is obviously problematic, says Carlat, the Newburyport, Mass., psychiatrist. Even when drugs are in the same class and are designed to treat the same symptoms, they are not necessarily identical. One drug may not work as well as the other, and could have a different set of side effects, he says. AND GOVERNMENT OF ONTERIO IS SILENT / SLIPING ( MAYBE DOES NOT CARE?) SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What needs to be done to make Government acting according to its Policies /promises and LAW ??? Injured workers of Ontario await Government’s support / action!!!!! ELECTIONS ARE COMING. IT IS TIME FOR INJURED WORKERS AND ONTARIANS AS WHOLE TO MAKE ELECTIONS ISSUE OUT OF THAT CRIMINAL WSiB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WSiB Ontario – a criminal/ terror Agency! Criminal Corporations have substantial influence over WSiB’s activities/processing of claims. WSiB acts from position of power (criminal immunity) and further victimizes already suffering people. Through out duration of processing it does infringe on criminal and sadistic tendencies. It is paradoxical, that diagnoses /conclusions are being made by some of WSiB’s personnel with out any medical / investigative knowledge /skills. Victim’s evidence submissions, Reports of WSiB’s qualified and professional investigators are not enough to adjudicate obvious cases. This is very serious systemic problem and needs to be addressed immediately. Injured workers are always forced by WSiB TO BE WITH THEIR PANTS DOWN AND PREDATORY WSiB does suffering workers right from the behind where it hearts the most! Sadists , deviants , psychopaths, criminals do at their will injured workers due to criminal immunity and many other far reaching Legislatives granting criminal Agency power / rights to RAPE suffering people!!! Agency established to assist General Public and protect / assist it in time of desperation /suffer and misfortune, become criminal/ terror, profit oriented identity placing well being of victims on back burner of its activity / objectives. Through out duration of processing it does infringe on criminal and sadistic tendencies. WORKER ADVISER- A TWIN WITH WSiB CRIMINAL AGENCY FINANCED BY WSiB ( from WSiB’S budget)! Worker Adviser communicated to me – “ WE ARE RETAINED TO REPRESENT YOU ON ESTABILISHED / APROVED BY WSiB YOUR MEDICAL CONDITIONS , NOT TO REPRESENT YOUR BEST INTEREWST”. SCANDAL, CRIME, DECIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAIR PRACTICES COMMISSION ALSO IS FINANCED BY WSiB and plays WSiB’s tune, not working for injured workers ALL THOSE AGENCIES ARE SUSTAINED BY WORKERS OF ONTARIO! AL THOSE ADJUDICATORS, “ADVISERS”, REPRESENTATIVES ARE BEING PAIED BY WORKERS OF ONTARIO AND ALL OF THEM ARE ENEMIES OF WORKERS OF ONTARIO. PARASITES AND CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADVISE TO INJURED WORKERS: The Burden of Proof in Personal Injury Claims The Plaintiff (you) bears the burden of proving your case. Most people have heard the term: “proof beyond a reasonable doubt”. That is NOT the burden that applies in civil claims for compensation; it is the burden that applies to criminal prosecutions. In a personal injury compensation claim you bear the burden of proof: “on the balance of probabilities”. In other words, is more likely than not that the Defendant was negligent and that the negligence caused your injuries. The easiest way to think about this is to consider a pair of scales. All the evidence FOR your claim is placed on one side of the scale. All the evidence AGAINST your claim is placed on the other side of the scale. As long as the scales tip to the side FOR your claim, even a little bit, then you have met the burden of proof on the balance of probabilities. What Do I Have to Prove to Win my Case? There are three things that you have to prove in order to win your accident compensation claim: Breach of Standard of Care: You will need to prove that the person that caused the accident did not meet the standard expected of a reasonably competent person. In other words, did they do something that they should not have done, or did they fail to do something that they should have done? Causation: If you can prove that the negligent person / Company breached the standard of care, you must also prove that the breach actually caused your injury (or made a pre-existing injury worse). For example, if you had chronic low back pain before the car accident, it may be difficult to prove that the car accident caused your back pain. But you may be able to prove that the accident made your pain worse. Damages: You have to prove what the consequences of the injury have been so that the court can award damages for pain and suffering, and any income loss and/or medical expenses as a result of your injury. *** Severe Body & Brain Damaging Side-Effects of Antidepressants *** The Neurotransmitter “Serotonin” & Serotonin Acting Anti-depressants Since 1988 the pharmaceutical companies (starting with Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of “Prozac”) have advertised to the people (direct to consumer) as well as to their family doctors, that if you suffer from depressive feelings, you must have a “biochemical imbalance” in your brain. The advertising finger was pointed at the neurotransmitter “serotonin”, and it is used to explain nearly any emotional problem a person might have nowadays. Many other pharmaceutical companies came out with so many variants on the SSRI-antidepressant to try and capitalize on its popularity, by spreading this theory even further amongst the people. Theory? Yes, only a theory! The Truth is that nobody in the medical field really knows if a “biochemical imbalance” is the cause of any mental disorder, and they do not know how even the hypothesized “biochemical imbalances” could produce the emotional, cognitive, and behavioural symptoms that characterize any mental disorder. Clever marketing tactics exercised on us by the pharmaceutical industry, prevailed above scientifical evidence and research. Greed, dis-respect and contempt of the population, prevailed above altruism, medical care and responsibility. It’s the greatest shame of of this era. More information: The Invention of the Biochemical Imbalance Myth Organic conditions that are commonly misdiagnosed as mental disease Can Psychiatry Be Retrieved From a Biological Approach? Neuroscientist Elliot S. Valenstein Says No to Drugs Primary care doctors prescribe SSRI-antidepressants to millions of adults, adolescents and children, certainly not only for treatment of depression anymore. SSRI’s are prescribed for school phobias, bed wetting, eating disorders, sleep disturbances (insomnia), nail biting, hair pulling, headache, gambling addiction, alcohol addiction, back pain, stomach upset, premenstrual syndrome, etc., and even to “feel better then well”. SSRI’s have become all purpose “feel good pills”, nowadays, in the year 2000. Unfortunately many doctors are unaware of the major consequences and some of them don’t even seem to care. They argue that the positive effects of SSRI’s far outweigh their negative effects. Nothing could be further from the truth. SSRI’s may not be compared with regular medications, like insulin to treat diabetics. SSRI’s are psychoactive, blood-brain barrier passing drugs and interact with the serotonergic system in the brain. Another example of drugs interacting with the serotonergic system are LSD and Ecstasy (MDMA). The serotonergic system is responsible for “how we perceive, experience and feel the inside and outside world”. YOU and only YOU created the neuropaths of this serotonergic system through the years by learning new things over and over again. And so it represents YOUR serotonergic system with it’s own unique structure, playing a big role in the composition of YOUR mind, YOUR consciousness, YOUR emotions, YOUR thoughts. When these serotonergic brain cells are artificially pushed (by SSRI’s) to act beyond their capacity or boundaries, this can result in the most disastrous serious adverse reactions. People need to be informed about the risks especially when children are involved. Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitor = Impairing Body Serotonin Metabolism SSRI’s are “Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors.” Neuronal re-uptake of neurotransmitters is metabolism. What serotonin re-uptake inhibitor actually means is that the SSRI-antidepressant interferes with ones ability to metabolise serotonin, so that will build up. In other words, an SSRI-antidepressant impairs the ability of cells to metabolise serotonin, not only in the brain, but -since serotonin is widely distributed throughout the body- in the body as well! The greatest concentration of serotonin, around 90%, is not found in the brain, but is found in the gastrointestinal or digestive tract (human gut, intestines, bowels). Originally, the neurotransmitter serotonin -thought to be secreted by the Pineal Gland- is called a neurohormone, because of it’s specific regulatory effect on the activity of the Endocrine Glands in the human body. (1),(2) Affecting serotonin means affecting the Glandular Endocrine System. Next to it, serotonin affects the Cardiovascular System and the Respiratory System, under which, the lungs. Serotonin is also found in blood platelets and stimulates platelet aggregation (blood clotting). Furthermore, serotonin is known to affect contraction of smooth muscles (such as those of the gut) and blood vessel elasticity (vasoconstriction and expansion). More information: Serotonin & the Pineal Gland Fraudulent Clinical Trials and the FDA Many primary care doctors and most people believe, that SSRI’s have undergone independent tests controlled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to insure safety. In fact the FDA does not “test” proposed new drugs. It relies almost exclusively on safety and efficacy data provided by the drug’s sponsor. SSRI studies are constructed, financed, and supervised entirely by pharmaceutical companies themselves. The testing process is deeply flawed. The clinical tests of antidepressants (SSRI’s) are remarkably short. Although the FDA’s guidelines for large-scale clinical tests recommend they last at least 6 weeks, in some instances studies as short as 4 weeks are accepted. Typically, the studies last 6 to 8 weeks! And how about the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? Already in 1993, 28,623 reports of adverse reactions to “Prozac” -the Eli Lilly SSRI, approved for the market since 1988- had been received by the FDA. These included effects such as delirium, hallucinations, convulsions, violent hostility, aggression, psychosis, 1,885 suicide attempts and 1,734 deaths – 1,089 by suicide. However, this didn’t seem to be enough to provoke the FDA to act against the SSRI manufacturer. As a major consequence from this lack of action, other pharmaceutical companies were permitted to follow Eli Lilly’s example, resulting in more Prozac copy-cat SSRI’s like Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, etc., nowadays, and probably more to come in the near future. How many reports of adverse reactions to these SSRI’s must the FDA receive to pull them from the market? Or has this already gone too far? Personality Structure and Out of Character Behaviour We now have legal psychoactive, blood-brain barrier passing drugs, acting on the serotonergic system (SSRI’s), the dopaminergic system (SDRI’s) and the nor-adrenergic system (SNRI’s) in the brain. The neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine (adrenalin) and nor-epinephrine (nor-adrenalin) are called “catecholamines” and control the adrenergic systems in the central nervous system (CNS). They account for staying awake, mood, fight or flight response, etc.. Serotonin is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter modulating the excitatory catecholamine systems in the CNS. Serotonin neurons control memory, mood, sex drive, etc.. Serotonin, dopamine and nor-epinephrine (nor-adrenalin) are the key-neurotransmitters involved with the construction of YOUR personality structure, as stated by doctor C. Robert Cloninger. Every drug that acts on the serotonergic system will affect (indirectly) the other neurotransmitter systems (dopaminergic, nor-adrenergic) in the brain (and visa-versa), thereby affecting YOUR personality structure, YOUR temperament, YOUR character. This must be exactly what happened to the antidepressant influenced home, school- and workplace shooters/killers who have reached the attention of the media since 1988. It’s striking how every time, when involvement of an SSRI comes to public attention, pharmaceutical companies defend their serotonergic drugs by telling us over and over again that the fact that a shooter was taking an SSRI, was purely a coincidence, that the shooter was treated with an SSRI for “mental illness” and that the SSRI had nothing to do with his/her violent behaviour, (remember that SSRI’s are prescribed for almost anything, not only for “mental illness”). The pharmaceutical companies argue that there is no evidence that SSRI’s cause suicide or violence. They refer to the “scientific rigorous battery of independent clinical trials” that the SSRI’s have undergone under the auspices of the American FDA to insure their efficacy and safety. A recent study tells us a different story! However, who needs “clinical trials” when there is so much and hard evidence of violence related to SSRI’s in the media… Isn’t it striking how many home, school- and workplace shooters have reached the attention of the media since 1988? The first SSRI-antidepressant named “Luvox” was approved for the market on 25 march 1987 and the SSRI “Prozac” on 29 December 1987! Do you see the connection already? We now have several SSRI’s all acting on the same serotonergic system in the brain. Did these SSRI’s help the shooters to become more happy? Oh yes, so happy that the natural boundaries of their personality structure were far exceeded! They lost their emotional connection with their conscience, they became disconnected, they were pushed over the edge, THEIR edge!! Serious Adverse Reactions After growing reports concerning withdrawal symptoms to SSRI-antidepressants, pharmaceutical companies renamed these phenomena “antidepressant discontinuation syndrome”, avoiding the negative connotations of the word “withdrawal”. This creates the illusion that one is familiar with the side-effects from SSRI’s, that they are rarely reported and that their products are safe. Ofcourse they want the people and doctors to keep on believing that withdrawal only happens to a minority of people and that the symptoms are mild and short-lived. In fact the side effects from SSRI-antidepressants are far more serious than just the addiction to it and withdrawal symptoms. Many individuals who took an SSRI-antidepressant or tried to get off an SSRI-antidepressant experienced the most horrible adverse reactions. Many individuals have suffered for years or are still suffering because they experienced an extremely negative reaction to one of these drugs! What happened in the brains of these individuals? Scientists have recently discovered that Prozac induces muscle contractions in the worm suggesting that Prozac has other molecular targets in the brain. Researchers from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia have found changes in brain cells in rats treated with SSRI’s. The brain cells shrivelled or took on abnormal corkscrew shapes. What happens to the serotonergic system in the brain? The same system that’s stimulated by administration of LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide), the system that’s involved with our perception. Doctors reported LSD flashbacks in adolescents -with a history of use of LSD- after treatment with an SSRI-antidepressant. We strongly suggest You think again before You decide to take any anti-depressant. If you are currently taking an SSRI, never stop cold turkey but slowly taper off. Don’t go off medication without medical supervision. The best way to minimize withdrawal side effects is to wean off the medication, this process may take up to a year or longer. all involved in sabotaging of my allegations must be INDICTED and convicted on multiple offences / crime (Criminal Code, Constitutional provisions, Bill – 45, Bill 107, Bill – 168 and other Law provisions ). IN CANADA EVERY YEAR OVER 24000 PEOPLE UNNECESARY DIE DUE TO MEDICAL ERRORS!!!!!!!!!!! December 14, 2010 12:12 PM Andrew said: WSiB DOES PROCESS INJURED WORKERS IN CRIMINAL MANNER AND CAUSES DETERIORATION OF EXISTING INJURIES, DEVELOPMENT OF NEW A SPECIALLY PSYCHOLOGICAL AND MUST BE CHARGED EQUALLY WITH NEGLIGENT EMPLOYERS (BILL-C-45, CRIMINAL CODE etc.).WSiB in majority employs incompetent personnel which has only one asset /attribute – it is rootless and criminal, equipped in criminal immunity and other far reaching Legislatives allowing WSiB to torture, abuse, defraud injured workers).WSiB by its incompetence, luck of education / professionalism / expertise and criminal orientation as a Policy, totally ignores / is oblivious about side effects of treatments and medications they forcibly subject injured workers to undergo, additionally deteriorates injured workers condition and it is imposed on “victims” in criminally sadistic manner etc. A number of medications intended to treat psychiatric disorders are themselves capable of causing psychiatric adverse effects. Unfortunately, these medication-induced adverse effects can be mistaken for a lack of therapeutic efficacy, leading to increased dose prescribing, leading to even more adverse effects. In addition, a number of medications not intended to treat psychiatric disorders are capable of causing psychiatric adverse effects..The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), is an AGENCY with 4,000 + employees and a budget of $2.7 billion +. Savings and Restructuring Act introduced Amendments to the Employment Standards Act (ESA) clarifying or strengthening the rights of WORKERS. The Act stipulated to discontinue use of the proxy comparison method. Important additional changes were made by Workers’ Compensation Reform Act to the Workers’ Compensation system. In particular, new priorities were set: the focus is first on prevention of workplace injury and illness as well on compensation and other benefits. Changes in the compensation system included a tightening of provisions for mental stress and chronic pain. Bill C-45 questions get answered by Cheryl Edwards By way of reminder, Bill C-45 amended the Criminal Code to create new duties and possible criminal liability for individuals and organizations, which include corporations. Because of the complexity of these Criminal Code requirements, and the amount of time that has been passed since they became law in March 2004, answers to key questions about Bill C-45 amendments are set out below, as follows. By way of reminder, Bill C-45 amended the Criminal Code to create new duties and possible criminal liability for individuals and organizations, which include corporations. Because of the complexity of these Criminal Code requirements, and the amount of time that has been passed since they became law in March 2004, answers to key questions about Bill C-45 amendments are set out below, as follows: Is the new Criminal Code duty different from OH&S duties to take all reasonable precautions or all reasonable care? How? The new duty found in section 217.1 of the Criminal Code requires that “everyone who undertakes, or has the authority to direct how another person does work or performs a task, is under a legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent bodily harm to that person, or any other person, arising from that work or task”. “Everyone” includes individuals, organizations as broadly defined, and corporations. This duty parallels traditional OH&S standards, but also expands on the matters contained in most OH&S statutes. The duty applies to any individual with authority to direct another person in the performance of work, while OH&S legislation generally imposes duties on employers, supervisors, constructors, owners, directors and officers. The Criminal Code may apply more widely to anyone who “undertakes” to direct work, including lead hands and working forepersons. The Criminal Code duty also requires that reasonable steps be taken to prevent bodily harm to any person, which would include the public or volunteers who may enter the workplace or be affected by workplace activities. Does violation of the Criminal Code duty mean we are guilty of criminal negligence? Breach of the Criminal Code duty does not necessarily mean that an organization or individual is guilty of criminal negligence. In order for a breach of the duty of care to amount to criminal negligence, the Crown must prove beyond a reasonable doubt in court that the breach of the duty occurred in a “wanton or reckless” manner. Section 219 of the Criminal Code states that, “Everyone is criminally negligent who (a) in doing anything, or (b) in omitting to do anything that it is his duty to do, shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons.” The provisions of Section 219 broadly state that for the purposes of the criminal negligence section, Section 219 of the Criminal Code, “duty” means a duty imposed by law. Criminal cases have found that for criminal negligence to occur, a breach of a duty must represent a “marked” and significant departure from the standard of a reasonably prudent person in the circumstances. There must be more than mere failure to meet an OH&S or Criminal Code standard through inadvertence. There must be evidence of behaviour which shows complete disregard for, or indifference to the duty. As one court put it, there must be a finding of a “devil-may-care” attitude that shows a criminal standard has been met. Wasn’t Bill C-45 all about creating criminal liability for directors and officers? Not exactly. While the Westray inquiry which concluded in 1997 recommended that Canada “amend or introduce legislation to ensure that corporate executives and directors are held properly accountable for workplace safety and the wrongful and negligent acts of their corporations,” ultimately Bill C-45 created a mechanism which allowed corporations to be more readily convicted of criminal negligence. The Criminal Code continues to allow individual charges of criminal negligence, which could include charges against a supervisor, or director or officer, for breach of a duty in a wanton or reckless manner, but that was not the primary focus of the Bill C-45 amendments when they were passed and came into force in 2004. Does Bill C-45 create both corporate and individual criminal liability? Yes, it does both. The provisions create new criminal duties and liabilities for both individuals and organizations (which are defined to include corporations). Both individuals and organizations can now be convicted of criminal negligence for failure to perform the duty, when it occurs in a manner that shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of others. What is necessary for an organization (including a corporation) to be convicted under the Criminal Code of criminal negligence? The process for convicting an organization of criminal negligence in the workplace safety context involves two steps. First, the Crown must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the actions of a single representative (employee, partner, contractor, agent of the organization) breached the Criminal Code duty in a wanton or reckless way. This could involve reckless ignoring of safety rules or physical protective devices where the potential result is serious harm or death. Second, after the breach of duty is established, the Crown must then show that a senior officer with operational or executive authority, or as drafters put it, someone with “real clout” who is responsible for the part of the organization involved in the breach, either failed to act or insulated themselves from obtaining the knowledge to act. The Crown has to prove a marked departure from what would reasonably be expected of a senior officer with obligations to protect workers and the public. What are the potential liabilities under the Criminal Code provisions as amended by Bill C-45? For individuals, the maximum penalty for criminal negligence causing death is life imprisonment, and the maximum penalty for criminal negligence causing bodily harm is ten years’ imprisonment. However, individuals are subject to a range of Criminal Code sentencing options from absolute discharge, to probation, to life in prison, depending on the specific circumstances of the contravention. Organizations, including corporations, are subject to different penalties depending on how the Crown proceeds. Where the Crown proceeds by summary conviction (the least serious manner of proceeding), the maximum fine is $100,000 for an organization. Where the Crown proceeds by indictment (the most serious manner of proceeding), there is no limit on the amount of the fine for the corporation or organization. Organizations may also be placed on probation and the terms of a probationary order can include such matters as: requiring the organization to make restitution, financial or otherwise, relating to the offence; requiring the organization to report to the court or the public on implementation of remedial steps; requiring the appointment of a senior officer to be responsible for implementing remedial procedures; requiring the organization to disclose its conviction to the public. Probation orders including these types of terms are available in addition to monetary penalties. Cheryl A. Edwards is a former Ontario Ministry of Labour OH&S prosecutor. December 14, 2010 12:14 PM Andrew said: Apotex developed integrated and very successful network of crime in Ontario. Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Labour Relations Board (Ministry of Labour), Ontario Ombudsman, Fair Practices Commission, Worker Adviser, Human Rights Commission, Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, (GOVERNMENT Agencies ) are criminal Agencies!!!!!!!!! “Who does Not Know the Truth, is simply a Fool… Yet who Knows the Truth and Calls it a Lie, is a Criminal.” Trough most of my 34 (thirty four ) years of professional work I did everything in my capacity to bring relief to people whose lives were destroyed by health problems and they were send on the path of suffer and despair. For years I worked in the Children’s Hospital where I was named Employee of the year in recognition for my exceptional work. For many, many years I worked in pharmaceutical industry doing everything to contribute to the variety and quality of products available on the market to those in need. I was recognized many times all over again for my dedication, compassion, performance and leadership (proof upon request) and then hear in Ontario my world collapsed. I become a victim of criminal activities within industry which I SERVED FOR SO MANY YEARS. Apotex (my former employer) ravaged me (my system)! Pharmaceutical Corporation with its mandate to bring relief to all who suffer, disregarded safety and for almost 7 years exposed me with out any personal protection to very potent products (well over 4000 very potent chemicals / actives). We did have on daily bases incidents/accidents and substantial product spills. As result of Torpharm/Apotex’s negligence (exposure to advanced structural composite materials /chemicals used in the manufacturing processes which have been classified as to have a co- carcinogenic and/or synergistic effect) I AM DISABLE. For many years Company massively melted and boiled / processed chemicals in hundred of pounds at the time in order to challenge existing /valid Patents of Brand Name’s by process ( Cyclosporin- Cyclosporine is a potent immunosuppressant used originally to prevent the rejection of transplanted kidneys, continues to be recommended for a variety of organ transplants, brain function controlling drugs (psychiatric), antidepressants and narcotics which I worked with: PAXIL, Lavitra, Plavix, Bupropion, Gabapentin, Gemfibrosil, Metformin, Omeprazole, Temazepam/Etodolac, Metroprolol , Norvasc, Depakote and other brain function controlling drugs and antidepressants, narcotics, blood composition and pressure controlling drugs etc.). Majority processes were conducted in confidentiality so forth with out permits not protection for employees. Those processes were conducted in /on not approved equipment and in manufacturing area not approved for such operations (not validated). Also I got massive and unprotected exposure to unidentified product (s ) in / during out of control accident (we did have many accidents on daily bases) when one of not approved new products proved to be volatile and during process exploded causing inferno, burning/baking for period of time while releasing toxic fumes and causing collateral damage to equipment and infrastructure. Personnel walked over spilled very potent chemicals / actives for number of days before it was cleaned up (there was only one way to go to PKG –Packaging, MFG- Manufacturing and / or services due to pending construction). I am dying every day in excruciating pains. The type/variety of my pains are countless and in manifestation horrifying. I am suffering a great deal with life threatening medical conditions not able to afford groceries, needed medications nor to pay any of my financial dues. Company, with its mandate to bring relief / help to people suffering from many medical conditions did make me disable ( work related medical conditions) destroying my professional, personal, social life and in vicious / malicious manner on on going bases is preventing me from enjoying my Constitutional Right to be able to provide for myself. Torpharm/Apotex got engaged in intentional malicious conduct violating all statutes with a reckless indifference. They deliberately acted with knowledge of a high degree of probability of serious harm to people (employees, customers) and reckless indifference to the consequences of that act. It acted in the face of a perceived risk that its actions will violate all laws. We are faced with unethical corporation that engaged in illegal production of prohibited products, violated all rules of the corporate system and in the process sacrificed health of own employees. As result of Torpharm/Apotex’s negligence (exposure to advanced structural composite materials /chemicals used in the manufacturing processes which have been classified as to have a co- carcinogenic and/or synergistic effect) I AM DISABLE. I am suffering skin discoloration, sinuses and respiratory ailments (fluid in upper lungs). I am suffering from severe hypertension ( which at the present is out of control – BP 235/135) and due to it as well as chemicals effect my hearth was damaged, migraine headaches, joints and back pains, nervous system effects (state of mental turmoil, compromised motor skills, compromised speech mechanism, memory elapses etc.), vision problems (constant presence of a black spot in eyes which may indicate minor stroke effect/hemorrhage or Depakote’s side effects etc.) my heir turned white under psychiatric drugs, kidney pain and changes, tumors, Fibromyalgia syndrome, Parkinsonism, enhanced risk of cancer, and fear of cancer etc. I experience a feeling of general discomfort and sickness; weakness, trouble breathing, unusual drowsiness, dizziness or light-headedness; unusual / unexplained stomach upsets, the sudden development of a slow or irregular heartbeat. I have serious concerns about the safety of the levels of exposure. My worry is that a toxic build up of the drugs and/or its metabolites can be fatal. Some of the side effects I experience include infections, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation, decreased appetite, sleepiness, dizziness, sexual side effects, nervousness, tremor, yawning, sweating, abnormal vision, weakness, insomnia, including electric shock sensations, abnormal dreams, agitation, anxiety, nausea, mood fluctuations, headache, fatigue, nervousness and sleep disturbances, skin rash, anorexia, leg pain, medication taste, sore throat, also effects include muscle pain, pain in arms and legs, abdominal cramps, vomiting, joint pain, rash, flu-like symptoms. I am suffering a great deal with life threatening medical conditions not able to afford groceries, needed medications nor to pay any of my financial dues. I am not able to perform any chores around my residence, forced to relay on assistance. Company got engaged in intentional malicious conduct violating all statutes with a reckless indifference. It acted in the face of a perceived risk that its actions will violate all laws. Company was preventing creation of any medical records related to employee’s side effects associated with products exposure. Apotex committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did cause permanent disability, irreparable damage. Apotex is taking advantage of a sick and impaired individual, not able to effectively / aggressively defend himself in articulated manner due to medical condition (compromised speech mechanism and other neurological problems). Apotex, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Labour Relations Board (Ministry of Labour), Ontario Ombudsman, Fair Practices Commission, Worker Adviser, Human Rights Commission, Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, (GOVERNMENT Agencies) after criminal termination of a very sick person denied me medical help, tortured me and continue to do so, deprived me of all means of sustaining myself and are not regretful. Company with its accomplices imposed on me suffer, poverty, immense stress and obstacles etc. Apotex, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Labour Relations Board (Ministry of Labour), Ontario Ombudsman, Fair Practices Commission, Worker Adviser, Human Rights Commission, Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, (GOVERNMENT Agencies) shattered my and my family’s dreams and future. Apotex many times derailed my attempts to get help and justice. The Industry is not highly regulated, it is self regulated!!!!!!!!!!!Apotex’s philosophy was “to antagonize every one against every one” to keep employees week, fragmented, unorganized, not able to question any thing ( safety / luck of protection), absence of Safety Data Shits, production of unknown products, not calibrated / invalidated equipment and systems, adverse product side effects, prevent employees from complaints to Authorities etc. Apotex did knowingly and willfully make a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the Ontario Labour Board, WSiB (Workers Compensation Insurance Board), Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ombudsman of Ontario, obstructed Ontario Health Act , Ontario Labour Law as well Canadian Constitution etc. Company terrorized by many means any one / all employees voicing concerns about issues with Safety and quality of the products. Ministries demonstrated criminal, corrupted attitude toward labour force/peoples of Ontario and beyond. In the past Ministry of Labour did come number of times into TorPharm/Apotex to investigate employees complains about Environmental/ personnel contamination. Unfortunately, every time Ministry of Labour warned TorPharm in advance about their visit /investigation and upon arrival tests were conducted in designated area after full clean and with out pending production. APOTEX and WSiB are partners in crime! Apotex/Company, with its mandate to bring relief / help to people suffering from many medical conditions did make me disable ( work related medical conditions) limiting my professional and personal life, making challenging my social life and in vicious / malicious manner on on going bases is preventing me from enjoying my Constitutional Right to be able to provide for myself. I was and am tortured by Apotex, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Labour Relations Board (Ministry of Labour), Ontario Ombudsman, Fair Practices Commission, Worker Adviser, Human Rights Commission, Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, (GOVERNMENT Agencies) and some more Agencies. Canadian Government institutions mandated to assist General Public in time of misfortune, suffer and despair selected to engage in criminal activities and assist criminal Corporation which is stone waling an Ontarian / victim with life threatening medical conditions. Those Institutions deprived me from Constitutional and Law protection. It is important to differentiate in between an accident and a crime (criminal, methodical negligence). Because of this my health deteriorates. I developed array of aggravating and life threatening medical conditions. Apotex, WSiB in criminal conspiracy with Doctors, Lawyers, and other Government Agencies omit all important information! Doctor as many others refused to generate any statements/cooperation!!!!!! The human nervous system is particularly vulnerable to toxic-chemical insults. Many chemicals / actives can permanently disrupt nervous system function. Do cause emergence of anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, mania, and other unusual changes in behavior, worsening of depression, and suicidal ideation, especially early during antidepressant treatment and when the dose is adjusted up or down. Families and caregivers of patients should be advised to look for the emergence of such symptoms on a day-to-day basis, since changes may be abrupt. Symptoms such as these may be associated with an increased risk for suicidal thinking and behavior. There has been a long-standing concern, that antidepressants may have a role in inducing worsening of depression and the emergence of suicidality in certain patients during the early phases of treatment. Withdrawal can often be more dangerous than continuing on a medication. It is important to withdraw extremely slowly from these drugs, usually over a period of a year or more, under the supervision of a qualified specialist. Antidepressants have been recognized as inducers of mania and psychosis. Is reported that over 200,000 people a year enter a hospital with antidepressant-associated mania and/or psychosis. Adverse reactions are most likely to occur when starting or discontinuing the drug, increasing or lowering the dose or when switching from one SSRI to another. Adverse reactions are often diagnosed as bipolar disorder when the symptoms may be entirely iatrogenic (treatment induced). Withdrawal, especially abrupt withdrawal, from any of these medications can cause severe neuropsychiatric and physical symptoms (which do have bearing on cardiovascular system and many more). I was addicted to many of those drugs and abruptly withdrawn by Company. FDA published a Public Health Advisory that reiterates several of these side effects and states (in part) “Anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, akathisia (severe restlessness), hypomania, and mania have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder as well as for other indications, both psychiatric and non-psychiatric.” PAXIL interacts with other Inhibitors. Paroxetine will elevate plasma levels of thioridazine etc. Use of / exposure to antipsychotic drugs and IV drug abuse of MPTP which inhibits the function of mitochondria within the nerve cells of the brain, Environmental toxins play a role in Parkinson’s disease. Exposure to psychiatric / antidepressants drugs cause symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Adverse reactions to psychiatric / antidepressant medications (treatment induced) are often diagnosed as bipolar disorder when the symptoms may be entirely iatrogenic (treatment induced). Antidepressant induced violence / suicide at work is documented. In my case due to Apotex / WSiB’s influence, many Doctors are taking advantage of a sick and impaired individual, not able to effectively / aggressively defend himself in articulated manner due to medical condition (compromised speech mechanism and other neurological problems). Many Doctors / WSiB are DESPERATELY TRYING TO ATTRIBUTE MY COMPLEX WORK RELATED MEDICAL CONDITIONS TO ANY AND ALL MEDICAL CONDITIONS IN MY ENTIRE LIFE IN ORDER TO GET AN EXCUSE TO UNDERMINE MY CLAIM. Apotex falsified all records provided by them to WSiB and engaged its employees in criminal conspiracy (documented),which further deteriorates my state of health. Many individuals involved in my Case purposely are omitting very critical evidence and medical conditions (or are reducing it in to insignificance). Please focus on 7 years of my unprotected work with toxic / controlled substances/narcotics , which are known to cause my conditions even in dosages regularly prescribed by Doctors and much more/worse if over dosed. Apotex subjected me to the most horrifying experiences imaginable. BEYOND ANY DOUBT I WAS EXPOSED TO THE DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES WITH OUT ANY PROTECTION AND THAT THEY CAUSED THE ADVERSE EFFECTS AND INJURIES I NOW SUFFER (Documented). I am suffering a great deal with life threatening medical conditions not able to afford groceries, needed medications nor to pay any of my financial dues. I am not able to perform any chores around my residence, forced to relay on assistance. I was “swimming in” / a massive exposure with out any protection to a potent immunosuppressant, brain function controlling drugs (psychiatric), antidepressants and narcotics which overwhelmed my system. The symptoms of Paxil withdrawal are among the most horrifying experiences imaginable ( ON DAILY BASES I WAS EXPOSED WITH OUT ANY PERSONAL PROTECTION TO WELL OVER 4000 CHEMICALS / ACTIVES). The symptoms can take your life and rip it to shreds, mocking your dignity and stealing your freedom. They ravage your soul. They deaden your spirit. Ironically, death often seems like a blessing, so great is the pain of Paxil Withdrawal Symptoms. Taking Paxil is like putting a loaded gun to your head. You better be damn sure you need it before you start. The withdrawal process can mirror every depiction of hell . The paxil withdrawals can truly test your sanity. Perhaps the two worse mental expressions of the paxil withdr LikeLike

    Comment by Andrew | March 19, 2011, 4:53 PM

  4. Andrew said: Unfortunately Worker Adviser (WA) did not want to submit all medical in to my File and informed me that “we (WA) are retained to represent you on determined by WSiB conditions, not to represent your best interest”.   > From: Andrew > Sent: Fri 29/01/2010 4:08 PM > To: Townsend, Margaret (MOL) > Subject: Re: [Bulk] RE: [Bulk] RE: [Bulk] RE: contact information > > > Margaret, > > As well please include additionally my eye and extensive neurological > problems identified /diagnosed subsequently. > Thank you for your dedication in assisting me. Andrew   > —– Click to show quoted text December 16, 2010 3:57 PM Andrew said: —– Click to show quoted text December 22, 2010 1:46 PM Andrew said: SAMPLE Dear Sir / Madam, I apology for grammar of this entry, but I am struggling to focus and to see as well as with my other medical problems. To understand the scope of what I am stating it is important to realize the size of this large Facility in question (Apotex Etobicoke), number of employees on that particular location at any given time (almost eight hundred + people – to a thousand in pick period) ON THE BEGINNING of the transformation / construction period in which Company underwent with out limiting manufacturing yields and on contrary continuously adding up dozens of new products. Shortly after criminal termination of a sick and disabled employee Company managed to locate ONLY ONE PERSON WHO “WORKED WITH ME” .That person becomes Company’s “criminally motivated” witness). New products were very potent and demanded isolation areas with electronic alarm systems and dedicated equipment/infrastructure /separate buildings for sole production of particular products as well as special GMP’s/SOP’s. All of that was taking place during 6.5 years of my dedicated employment. PRODUCTS WERE SO POTENT, THAT I AND OTHERS WHILE ENTERING PROCESS /PRODUCTION ROOMS, WITH FIRST AIR INTAKE IN TO THE LUNGS WERE EXPERIENCING HORIFYING PAIN IN RESPIRATORY PASSAGES (LIKE ONE WOULD INHALL FIRE AND ACID). On contact with product skin cells/ lymphatic vessels ( structures that drain lymph) were simply exploding causing horrifying pain and sores oozing plasma ( the clear, yellowish fluid containing lymphocytes – white blood cells that fight disease) from the tissues , hands, lips, inside of mouth/ over the surface of the mouth and tongue, nose, digestive system, stomach, rectum/ anus, compromising function of the lungs- respiratory muscles, blood vessels, lymphatic system , nerves and all around whole body etc.). The tongue was burned / scalded, strange tastes / sensations developing. Developing burning mouth syndrome caused by nerve problems. Often small, painful ulcers/ sores appeared on the tongue / mouth, disabling salivary glands etc. Nerves that help detect and transmit signals to the brain were getting severely compromised. At the same time all of it was suppressing immune system and inducing many, many more horrifying adverse long term symptoms. In seconds nothing did matter any more. We were entering twilight zone /total obliviousness and sensation of flotation /levitation, physical /mental struggle/ fog, breathlessness etc. Total obliviousness to danger and by many Operators terrifying rages of aggression and many other medical/neurological problems etc. At the time, when Apotex announced (year 1998) commencement of very significant construction /expansion, Company had in production very large inventory of sophisticated peaces equipment. After construction started all of it become invalidated with severely compromised operational capacity. On regular bases I was ordered personally (I was the only one permanent employee ) by management to get in to interior of those process units during trouble shooting while in process or shortly after while equipment was with substantial products deposits left inside ( no Personnel to clean up/sanitize). I was very seldom told what product was processed and more often I was lied to about name /nature of the products. While inside I was discovering in spot light a clouds of air born product micro crystals – like fiber glass and/or very fine powder – like a talc. Often it was too late to react with Operators horse playing or on the floor praying while high on actives and frequently urinating into floor drains in production Rooms – also during production runs). To give an idea about production capacity I will provide an example of product named Paxil (paroxetine chydrohloride). NOT THE DEDLIEST ONE-RATHER MILD IN COMPERITION WITH OTHER MATERIALS. We produced / manufactured (MFG) and packaged (PKG) 12 MILION + DOSAGES OF IT EVERY 24 HOURS ALONE (the process was like TORA BORA PRODUCTION OF HEROINE) – operators with out any protection dispensing active from paper bags / corrugated drums by hand directly into the Kettle / jacketed steam heated vessel designed for food processing where active was boiled /baked with out any ventilation- disabled air handling systems, with out monitoring/compliance to spec/GMP/SOP etc. The fumes were accumulating in the Room and all over the entire Floor. Powdered paroxetine chydrohloride was all over the floors in Process Room and outside, blending up in to deadly compounds with massive deposits of other discarded products on the floors. Liquidized product (the solution was freed from visible particles) was discharged into metal trays where it solidified in to bricks form and subsequently was reduced in to smaller chunks by Operators sitting on the floor and hammering it in to smaller chunks by hand/ maintenance hummers. Smaller chunks were pulverized in CO- MILLS into small /micro “pellets/granules). In such format pellets/granules/ (an “active” substance) were appearing and behaving as waxy small particles. They were dispensed and blended with excipients in 80 cu/foot bins (1000kg). The “active” never bonded with excipients and right after blending process it was starting to gravitationally separate from excipients and was accumulating at the bottom of the bin. Such separation created a lot of problems during dispensing in to tablet presses and during compression process. After compression, half of the batch contained tablets compressed solemnly out of active ingredient and the other half of the batch with out any at all. Think about needy /sick patients taking such product. Produced tablets on regular bases contained array of other contaminants. After announcement of expansion and introduction of new /deadly products most employees from all Departments left the company (did not take long before ALL left). At the same time I inquired with my Department’s Director about my future role and my protection during that period of expansion (it was a difficult decision for me to make, because of my age). I was informed, that I will have to work with out any supervision / management (especially on night shifts) and I was reassured, that I will be provided with all high tech safety equipment I will need. Shortly after Department’s Director was fired for taking bribes from Contractors and for collapsing number of projects it turned out, that neither I NOR MAJORITY OF OPERATORS DID NOT GET ANY SAFETY EQUIPMEENT AT ALL (PPE). All collective safety equipment become invalidated/ non operational. Company concealed names of processed products, did not display Work Orders or Safety Data Information. Facility Services Supervisor was supplied with full body rubber uniform and air tanks – (like for bio- hazards) just to change filters on air handling units (which frequently were stopping to work and disengaging LARGE waste product collection drums , dropping them on to the Floor, discharging on the Floor waste quantity of collected compounds from all Facility/production Rooms –no one to clean), while I and all temporary Operators and other Personnel worked long shifts (10-14 hours forced by Company) every day with those products with out any protection at all AND I was DEALING WITH OUT OF CONTROL DAILY PRODUCTS SPEALS. Later on turned out, that he (the Supervisor in question) was in the loop of people aware/informed by Company (by necessity) about new products and he demanded adequate protection for him self. Company could not lie to him because he was the one selected by Company (and contrary to many others) he agreed to actively participate in criminal acts on behalf of the Company. He was on regular bases (nights) demolishing internal walls with out any permits (in process Rooms) during production runs, he was disabling safety alarms for detection of contamination of Personnel and manufacturing/packaging/Office areas, he was dumping huge volumes of very toxic and untreated production waste waters directly in to the city’s system / Lake Ontario, he was “containing evidence of explosions and blow ups of explosion panels on the roof of Facility during runs of validation batches and contamination of company’s grounds and area and he did many, many more criminal acts on behalf of the Apotex. Apotex started to produce new lethal products in not up graded and not approved / validated by Regulators old facility. Construction invalidated /DISABLED ALL EQUIPMENT /SERVICES AND PRODUCTS STARTED TO SHOW UP ON DESKS OF OFFICE EMPLOYEES which all quickly left the Company in fear. Due to lack of any Personnel, Apotex started to employ only temporary people (almost solemnly new comers in to Canada from Afghanistan and Pakistan desperate for work and earnings) with out language skills, with out pharmaceutical/ technical EXPERIENCE, with out any awareness of safety equipment. All of them were getting valiantly sick and Apotex rotated them on daily bases. People were displaying horrifying symptoms of products adverse side / overdose effects, many were getting heart attacks, respiratory problems, skin conditions, many were getting swollen (popping up like victims of deep sea diving not observing decompression ) and many many more very disturbing medical conditions including psychiatric disorders (profound neurological problems).Sample-one of my co-workers got heart palpitations at work. He was taken by his wife from work in to Hospital. In the Hospital he collapsed. Second time he was taken from work to his family Doctor where he collapsed at Doctor’s Office with hearth problems and he was taken on emergence in to the hospital by ambulance. (Company managed to destroy all records of this incident.). Fortunately all other record of that incident survived-including blood work and some other tests done by Doctor. Running of unknown products by temporary Operators with out any idea of tasks they suppose to perform and due to equipment serviced by Mechanics with out any experience (for example – landscapers) did cause extensive damage to machines putting Operators and other Personnel at grave Safety risk and causing very substantial /uncontrolled product discharge contaminating area and all Personnel. On daily bases we did have such occurrences as machines were not calibrated/ or were invalidated/ used for not approved products with wrong Recipes etc. Often resulted in all of the machines were regularly and substantially damaged and new tooling for unknown product destroyed. Like on the battle field with very potent actives all over the floors, equipment and Personnel with out any Personal Protection Equipment and with all systems invalidated / dysfunctional due to pending construction and unauthorized /unconscious activities. For many years whole Manufacturing/Packaging / Company looked like /as Nazi gas chambers under going some horrifying experiments where people/ human beings were just a lab / experiments objects. For 6.5 years of very dedicated , loyal, productive work for Apotex (documented) , Company victimized me , destroyed my health, life, dreams, deprived me of all means of sustaining myself, deprived me of medical help, Constitutional and Law protection and continues to torture me destroying all my attempts to sustain myself during another 6 years after termination and pending. January 5, 2011 2:19 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir/Madam, SAMPLE For many years I was responsible for ALL DISCHARGE STATIONS AS WELL AS FOR EVERY THING ELSE IN PKG & MFG from technical point of view (what does not limit my contributions in all other aspects/areas of the business). We had many Discharge Stations. All of them were negatively affected by pending construction, absence of spare parts, limited /with out experience Personnel, production of NEW PRODUCTS etc. This time I want to focus your attention on Discharge Stations addressed in attached e-mail to Manager and opinionated by one of new MFG Supervisors (shortly after / promptly left the Company), especially from New Products perspective. New products were very, very potent, under formulated with no proper in selection or quality ingredients, of wrong moisture , of wrong lubrication/viscosity, of problematic crystal structure / specific weight as well as due to many more problems / factors etc. All of this while added up to compromised equipment, contributed to problems with gravitational discharge of those products from Gallay Bins installed on upper Floor and down trough docking chute and down the PVC lay flat in to the hoppers and in to feed frames and further in to the tooling in process compartments. All those problems forced Company to have an Operator standing over each open/ unsealed Bin containing restricted active (in clearance of 2 fit in between ceiling with long S.S. rod inserted in to the Bin and working /pushing the product down the butter fly valve out of the bin in to the chute. Often/usually the BIN had to be raised up off the station and docking chute disengaged in order to get the product moving. Often/usually the Operator was getting very tired and high on the product rupturing the PVC sleeve in the process of pushing the product. Often/usually disengaged chute dropped out of control or the PVC sleeve GOT pinched on the hopper prompting massive and uncontrolled products discharge etc. Often/ usually product got packed up /compressed inside of the Bin or inside of feed frames and had to be manually removed during process by Operators with out any protection. ALL OF THESE AND MANY MORE OBSTACLES CONTRIBUTED TO CONSTANT UNCONTROLLED / MASSIVE PRODUCT DISCHARGES ON THE PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, FLOORS CAUSING DAILY MULTI PRODUCT CONTAMINATION/ CROSS CONTAMINATION AND ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS ON PERSONNEL. While on daily bases we did process very many products parallel on all peaces of equipment , very many of them had to be simply scooped by hand all shift long, causing direct exposures to all personnel (very adverse side effects) and gross contamination . Most of the “bad” products Company processed on the night shifts, often bringing products from other Facilities and removing / shipping them promptly out in the morning. Operators/Personnel did not have protective glasses, gloves , uniforms and any thing else. No GMP, no SOP, no SAFETY: •FALSIFICATION OF CALIBRATION AND PRODUCTION DOCUMENTATION. •CROSS CONTAMINATION OF THE PRODUCTS ( use of dedicated equipment and direct product contact parts ) FOR MULTI PRODUCT PRODUCTION. •TEMPERING WITH NEW PRODUCTS, MANUAL PRODUCTION OF SAMPLES FOR FDA SUBMISSION. •ALTERING PROCESSES (manual runs of the equipment or subassemblies, recipes are not executed by PLC and installed /down loaded programs/software) BUT BY SHORT WIRING. •EQUIPMENT OPERATED BY CONTRACT OPERATORS WITH OUT EXPERIENCE AND WITH OUT ANY SUPERVISION (CROSS CONTAMINATING PRODUCTS AND THEMSELVES), with out in process quality control. •DUE TO CONSTRUCTION / STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY ALL SAFETY DATA SHITS WERE REMOVED FROM ALL LOCATIONS. •WORK ORDERS NOT POSTED ON THE DOORS OR NEXT TO OF PRODUCTION ROOMS. •OPERATORS AND MOST MECHANICS ARE KEPT IN THE DARK IN REGARD TO THE NATURE OF THE PRODUCT THEY PROCESS. •DUE TO FACT , THAT PEOPLE/EMPLOYEES DID NOT WANT TO WORK WITH NEW /DANGEROUS PRODUCTS AND MANY OF THEM LEFT, DUE TO ABSENCE OF PERMITS , LEGAL ISSUES etc. ,COMPANY STARTED TO WITHHOLD INFO ABOUT PROCESSED PRODUCTS. •IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC ACTIVE INGREDIENTS NOT INSPECTED/TESTED PRIOR TO PROCESSES. •IMPORTED FROM ASIA PRODUCTS ARE REWORKED AND REPROCESSED TO DIFFERENT “OWN” FORMATS. •CONTAMINATED PRODUCTS ARE COATED IN ORDER TO CONCEAL CONTAMINATION. •DEDICATED PROCESS EQUIPMENT NOT SANITIZED AND USED FOR MULTI PRODUCTS. On one circumstance on night shift I was called to attend emergency situation in one of the process Rooms. As soon I arrived I noticed an Operator unconscious on the floor. When I pulled him out of the Process Room (the rooms looked as Nazi gas chambers) by the legs he was disposed off by his follow Taliban Operators. Apotex selected to employ Taliban/ Alquida, facilitated and nurtured their culture in the facility (organized pray rooms etc.). Apotex did allow Taliban / Alquida to organize and work with out any restrictions / supervision with highly potent controlled substances / narcotics (no production supervision of any kind, no in process quality control of any kind, no quality control of incoming materials of any kind, no adequate sanitation of equipment/product holding bins etc.) Dedicated equipment used for multi products. Apotex was exterminating employees of Taliban / Alquida orientation by not providing them with any product info and personal protection. That promoted products induced violence at work / antidepressant nightmares. I was physically and verbally attacked many times at work / in Facility) by Operators high on actives. Taliban did cause my right hand severe injury and time off work in 2001. As always Company did not report it to WSiB. I believe that drugs produced during some periods of my employment killed more people world wide then military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan combined. Regards, January 14, 2011 1:08 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir/Madam, SAMPLE Work was challenging and satisfying. Two years in to my employment Company started to expend very rapidly. Expenditure of the infrastructure, at the same time processing/pursuing approval of many new products for US market and big legal problems with brand name companies over ending patents and rights to ownership, manufacture and market of some products effected directly and very negatively internal situation within Company, making work unpleasant and on daily bases hazardous. Company under immense pressure got in to problems on all fronts and started to fight for its very survival. President of the Company and Executive Group imposed strict confidentiality (documented) on every thing what was going on with in Company. On daily bases this situation/request created communication difficulties (documented) among people and Departments. Luck of communication and accountability created fertile environment for many individuals rushing to take advantage of opportunities and engage in unlawful activities and profiteering (documented). Strict confidentiality leaded to purchases of process equipment which was not designed to handle highly potent active ingredients (products). It become routine, that by choice Company started to instate in position of power individuals with out any pharmaceutical experience, with out basic knowledge of principles governing functions with in pharmaceutical industry/capacity (documented). Often individuals in charge of HR and production processes where arrogant, ignorant, in conflict of interest and dangerous in their decisions/actions (documented). Safety , GMP/SOP wasn’t a priority any more (documented). Chase after business, economical and legal issues was on the forefront. For me and many other employees it becomes matter of survival to act with in and try to reinforce compliance / enforcement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations (documented). My former Employer was a work place with out Collective Agreement (documented). Every time I raised IN OPEN MANNER safety, conflict of interest or product quality issues individuals in charge of me (with participation of upper management) did threaten, disrespect, intimidate, expose to active product as punishment and at the end dismiss me in very unprofessional/deceiving manner (documented). For 6.5 years I worked with active ingredients not protected by any safety equipment (documented). On regular bases I was requesting issuance of such protection and for so long my requests where neglected (documented) . Once I was enrolled in training session for respiratory protection, but I never had any hardware issued (documented). New products were so potent that latex/rubber gloves where dissolving almost on contact and product use to create horribly painful sores (documented). Many operators worked with those products with out adequate protection and often with out any at all (night shifts). Process equipment was commissioned in Europe with out reviling recipe/ chemical composition of the product they suppose to process (documented) . As result of it purchased equipment was received and installed, IQ (Installation Qualification) was executed, but due to very potent nature of the product OQ (Operational Qualification) was felling (documented). Every thing what was not out of SS (Stainless Still) or glass the product was dissolving in the process. Every attempt to produce experimental batches for FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and batches to secure Launch Quantities were failing. Every attempt to produce ended up with mechanical damage to the equipment, contaminating Isolation Area and Operators. Shortly before Christmas time 2003 I was ordered by management (– that was direct order of Department’s Manager and Department’s Director) to go and correct mechanical problems on said equipment in isolation area (documented). Damage occurred during production run on equipment which did not pass OQ (Operational Qualification). Every time butch of new products was processed, equipment was automatically shutting down during process (destroying expensive batch) because electronic safety system was detecting contamination of manufacturing area exposing operators to the dangerous product. This time in desperate attempt to produce quantities Company decided to disable electronic safety / warning systems and despite contamination produced few butches. Regards, January 14, 2011 1:24 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir / Madam, SAMPLE Due to absence of any Personal Protection Equipment , collective Protection Systems (invalidated/non functional due to pending construction .Due to absence of any at all FIRST Aid Supplies in Facility I distributed by a hand (at that time as at many other times Company’s server did not work so I could not send any e-mails) a Memo/e-mail to all effected (Operators / Management) offering supply of all needed materials on my own for Operators working on my night shifts and I realized / did so for long period of time (documented). . I wanted to prevent Operators suffer, equipment failures and products contamination (documented).. Operators on my shift (nights) in majority (99%) were new /temporary employees (very new in to Canada from Afghanistan and Pakistan with out any personal resources desperately trying to make some money). Those people with out language skills, with out any pharmaceutical / technical expertise, fanatical on Religion, Company employed to use them as a human slaves and sacrifices. Those Operators worked every day on very potent (often classified as a lethal / deadly) actives with out any protection at all. Some were lasting for half an hour, some lasted for duration of a shift before getting valiantly sick and living Company either on their own or assisted by follow Operators. Company did not provide Work Orders at the Work Stations/Process Rooms nor any Safety Data Shits. Those unprotected exposures caused great bodily harm. I am positive; many of them are either died or are very sick. I pray for their souls. They escaped war ravaged own Countries just to meet their end in Apotex. Regards Apotex’s victim January 14, 2011 1:48 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir / Madam, SAMPLE During number of years of very advanced /extensive construction, Company installed very many new peaces of substantial equipment. Amongst was a new Gallay Bin wash station (Gallay Bins- 80 cubic foot S.S. Containers designed to hold a tone -2000 pounds of product). System installed on two floors. As on almost all units, Installation Qualification was executed but Operational Qualification was failing. Absence of any Sanitation, Compliance, Supervision, very limited number of unskilled Operators /Personnel /MAINTENANCE etc. as well as immense pressure to submit new products to FDA as well as to accumulate huge quantities of products in order to dump them at the right time on the market (as much as it WAS possible, especially in/during Legislated 180 days of “window of opportunity”) forced Company to utilize unqualified and not SAFETY Station into production, especially that those BINS while suppose to be “dedicated” to particular product, were used for multiple products and had to be sanitized. Wash station was out of control. Due to strict confidentiality Manufacturer / Supplier of the Station was not supplied with specifications/ Recipes. Wrong design of components, wrong/ under developed programs not controlling cycle (temperatures, pressure, time, volume of water/ detergent (wrong detergent not dissolving residual products living packets of hit “encapsulated” – pounds at the time of it glued to the interior walls, which were breaking off the walls during processing (tumbling /vibrating- on discharge station) of the next Lot of product (often different) causing MASSIVE /DEADELY CONTAMINATION of batches. Programs could not execute full wash cycle- terminating it and getting in to faulty status. I am attaching e-mail to FSS Manager expressing my concerns about safety / contamination. Initially Manager had good will to act, but very fast he was faced with reality and ordered me to stay away from the WASH STATION stating, that in order to address my concerns new qualification had to be executed (new detergent introduced etc.), new design of the plunger would have to be commissioned etc. Eventually new Technician WITH OUT AUTORIZATION (?) deleted original electronic program and installed short version which resulted in period of almost one year of Bins not being sanitized but only wetted in /out side. Problem was discovered after one year Regards Apotex’s victim January 14, 2011 2:00 PM Andrew said: SAMPLE Dear Sir/Madam, Cyclosporine a very strong immunosuppressant drug. For many years I worked in National Serum and Vaccination Plant in managerial capacity with hands on production duties of all human and animal immunoglobulin, serums and many vaccines, so I become very alarmed / shocked while Apotex announced, that Cyclosporine’s (avery strong immunosuppressant drug widely used in post-allogeneic organ transplant to reduce the activity of the patient’s immune system, and therefore the risk of organ rejection. It has been studied in transplants of skin, heart, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, bone marrow, and small intestine. Ciclosporin is a cyclic nonribosomal peptide of 11 amino acids and contains a single D-amino acid. Apart from in transplant medicine, ciclosporin is also used in psoriasis, severe atopic dermatitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, chronic autoimmune urticaria, and, infrequently, in rheumatoid arthritis and related diseases.) classification was changed and apparently Authorities allowed production of it with out any restrictions/ protection in common Manufacturing area / next to production of other products. Treatment / exposure to Cyclosporine may be associated with a number of potentially serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs). ADRs can include gingival hyperplasia, convulsions, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, hypercholesterolemia, dyspnea, numbness and tingling particularly of the lips, pruritus, high blood pressure, potassium retention, and possibly hyperkalemia, kidney and liver dysfunction (nephrotoxicity& hepatotoxicity), burning sensation at finger tips and an increased vulnerability to opportunistic fungal and viral infections. I request from Apotex a Carbon Copy of Original industrial manufacturing classification for Cyclosporine, which demanded processing of this substance in isolated area (with Air Locks in entrances to the Process Rooms, on dedicated equipment, with special Air Handling Systems, with special protective equipment for Personnel etc.) During production of Validation Batches in not compliant manner and due to massive discharges of this material on the floors it was discovered, that product does heavily end up all over the plant including Offices (all over the desks of Offices employees) and Personnel had to be evacuated from the premises. Apotex in stead of getting its infrastructure modernized and up to regulatory compliance announced that apparently did manage to change product’s classification which apparently removed ALL restrictions / Regulations and allowed Apotex to process it with out any considerations for contamination of the Personnel and cross contamination of the products. I request Carbon Copy of Regulatory Agency’s Report (Health Canada? etc.) changing classification of the Cyclosporine which permitted Apotex to proceed with production of this substance in not controlled / regulated manner. Cyclosporine Side Effects Autonomic Nervous System: Dry mouth, increased sweating Body as a Whole: Allergy, asthenia, hot flushes, malaise, overdose, procedure NOS*, tumor NOS*, weight decrease, weight increase Cardiovascular: Abnormal heart sounds, cardiac failure, myocardial infarction, peripheral ischemia Central and Peripheral Nervous System : Hypoesthesia, neuropathy, vertigo Endocrine : Goiter Gastrointestinal: Constipation, dysphagia, enanthema, eructation, esophagitis, gastric ulcer, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gingival bleeding, glossitis, peptic ulcer, salivary gland enlargement, tongue disorder, tooth disorder Infection: Abscess, bacterial infection, cellulitis, folliculitis, fungal infection, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, renal abscess, moniliasis, tonsillitis, viral infection Hematologic : Anemia, epistaxis, leukopenia, lymphadenopathy Liver and Biliary System: Bilirubinemia Metabolic and Nutritional: Diabetes mellitus, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia, hypoglycemia Musculoskeletal System: Arthralgia, bone fracture, bursitis, joint dislocation, myalgia, stiffness, synovial cyst, tendon disorder Neoplasms : Breast fibroadenosis, carcinoma Psychiatric: Anxiety, confusion, decreased libido, emotional lability, impaired concentration, increased libido, nervousness, paroniria, somnolence etc. Reproductive (Female) : Breast pain, uterine hemorrhage Respiratory System : Abnormal chest sounds, bronchospasm Skin and Appendages : Abnormal pigmentation, angioedema, dermatitis, dry skin, eczema, nail disorder, pruritus, skin disorder, urticaria Special Senses: Abnormal vision, cataract, conjunctivitis, deafness, eye pain, taste perversion, tinnitus, vestibular disorder Urinary System : Abnormal urine, hematuria, increased BUN, micturition urgency, nocturia, polyuria, pyelonephritis, urinary incontinence Body as a Whole: Fever, flushes, hot flushes Cardiovascular : Chest pain Central and Peripheral Nervous System : Appetite increased, insomnia, dizziness, nervousness, vertigo Gastrointestinal: Abdominal distention, constipation, gingival bleeding Liver and Biliary System: Hyperbilirubinemia Neoplasms : Skin malignancies (squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas) Reticuloendothelial: Platelet, bleeding, and clotting disorders, red blood cell disorder Respiratory: Infection, viral and other infection Skin and Appendages : Acne, folliculitis, keratosis, pruritus, rash, dry skin Urinary System: Micturition frequency Visio: Abnormal vision. Mild hypomagnesemia and hyperkalemia may occur but are asymptomatic. Increases in uric acid may occur and attacks of gout have been rarely reported. A minor and dose related hyperbilirubinemia has been observed in the absence of hepatocellular damage. Cyclosporine therapy may be associated with a modest increase of serum triglycerides or cholesterol. Side Effects by Body System Renal: BK virus associated nephropathy has been associated with serious outcomes, including deteriorating renal function and renal graft loss. Elevations in serum creatinine and BUN are common during cyclosporine therapy and do not necessarily indicate allograft rejection. In addition, cyclosporine-induced hyperuricemia may predispose the patient to renal calculi. Renal insufficiency is dose-related. It is often accompanied by hypertension. Cyclosporine causes a reversible reduction in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. The mechanism of cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity is now considered to be vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles. ET1 is also considered to be a key substance of cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity. Mild nephrotoxicity generally responds to reductions in cyclosporine doses. A chronic, progressive nephrotoxicity may also occur in which discontinuation of cyclosporine fails to alleviate the renal insufficiency. Renal biopsies from these patients may demonstrate interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, global or segmental glomerulosclerosis, or smooth vascular muscle damage. It has been suggested that higher cumulative doses or high cyclosporine trough levels may be associated with the development of interstitial fibrosis. Renal function should be closely monitored. Differentiation between cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity, allograft rejection, and other causes of impaired renal function should be made before considering cyclosporine dosage adjustments. The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents in combination with cyclosporine may increase the risk of renal toxicity, especially in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Intact renal prostaglandins are necessary for maintaining adequate renal blood flow in patients treated with cyclosporine. Renal deterioration may occur independent of changes in cyclosporine levels. Renal side effects including renal insufficiency (up to 38%) and BK virus associated nephropathy have been reported. A chronic, progressive, irreversible nephrotoxicity has also been reported. Elevations in serum creatinine and BUN are common during cyclosporine therapy and do not necessarily indicate allograft rejection. A case of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) associated with cyclosporine therapy has been reported. A fatal case of acute tubular necrosis has been reported. In addition, cyclosporine-induced hyperuricemia may predispose the patient to renal calculi. Nervous system: Seizures in patients on cyclosporine therapy may be associated with hypomagnesemia or concomitant high-dose corticosteroids. In addition, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension may contribute to cyclosporine neurotoxicity. Hypomagnesemia and hypercholesterolemia allow easier diffusion of cyclosporine across the blood-brain barrier potentiating neurotoxicity. A review of cyclosporine-induced neurotoxicity revealed incidence after liver transplantation. Intravenous administration of cyclosporine was associated with more severe reactions such as psychosis, however severe reactions occurred rarely. MRI abnormalities were seldom found. Only 61% of patients that experienced neurotoxicity had cyclosporine trough levels suggestive of toxicity. The speech disorder leading to mutism which has been associated with cyclosporine therapy was reversible. The permanent blindness which was reported in patients was suspected to be due to neurotoxicity associated with elevated cyclosporine levels. Dechallenge with cyclosporine did not reverse the blindness . The blindness occurred over a 36 hour period 3 weeks following a kidney-pancreas transplant. The cyclosporine trough level was at its highest on the day of complete blindness (495 ng/mL). The mechanism by which cyclosporine induces neurologic blindness is unknown. Nervous system side effects of cyclosporine have included tremors (to 55%) and headache (to 15%). Depression, somnolence, decreased visual acuity, confusion, paresthesias, seizures, and a reversible speech disorder leading to mutism have also been associated with cyclosporine therapy. Three cases of leukoencephalopathy have also been reported. Dermatologic: Dermatologic side effects of cyclosporine have included hypertrichosis acne and pruritus. Cyclosporine has been associated with pilosebaceous lesions, including hypertrichosis, epidermal cysts, keratosis pilaris, acne, folliculitis, sebaceous gland hyperplasia, and cutaneous malignancies. A case of erythroderma resembling Sezary syndrome with lymphocytic infiltrates of the skin has been reported. Cases of folliculodystrophy and pseudoporphyria have also been reported. Hepatic: Hepatic side effects have been common, occurring in up to 50% of patients, generally mild and self-limited, and manifest as elevated bilirubin, serum transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase values. In addition, cholestatic jaundice has been reported. Hematologic: A syndrome characterized by thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic anemia is reported in some patients. Hematologic side effects have included leukopenia anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Metabolic: Metabolic side effects of cyclosporine have included significant hyperkalemia, which is sometimes associated with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. Gastrointestinal: Gastrointestinal side effects have included gum hyperplasia , diarrhea , nausea and vomiting , anorexia, abdominal discomfort, and reports of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Pancreatitis has also been reported. Cardiovascular: Study has reported that reduced basal and stimulated nitrous oxide production in cyclosporine-treated renal transplant recipients. The authors stated that this suggests endothelial dysfunction, and may explain the increased risk of premature atherosclerosis and cardiovascular death. They felt this might also provide, at least in part, a potential mechanism to explain cyclosporine-induced hypertension. Cardiovascular side effects have included hypertension induced by cyclosporine. Myocardial infarction has also been reported rarely. Endocrine: Endocrine side effects of cyclosporine have included hypertriglyceridemia, increases in serum prolactin, decreases in serum testosterone, gynecomastia, hyperglycemia, and hypertrichosis. Other: Other side effects including a significant risk of acute rejection and death and/or graft loss have been reported. Cases of trichomegaly has been reported. A cases of calcineurin inhibitor induced pain syndrome (CIPS) has also been reported. Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity side effects to cyclosporine have occurred. Anaphylaxis, manifest as acute dyspnea, tachypnea, pruritus, rash, and chest discomfort has been reported in rare cases after intravenous administration of cyclosporine. Ocular: A manifestation of neurotoxicity induced by cyclosporine (which has occurred in transplant patients more frequently than in other indications) is optic disc edema including papilledema, with possible visual impairment, secondary to benign intracranial hypertension. Ocular side effects have included reports of pseudotumor cerebri, which resolved rapidly upon discontinuation of cyclosporine, and optic disk edema. Permanent blindness has been reported in one patient. A cases of cyclosporine-induced retinal toxic blindness has also been reported. Oncologic: Oncologic side effects including fatal cases of metastatic angiosarcoma during cyclosporine and prednisone immunosuppression (after kidney transplantation) have been reported. The development of neoplasms, particularly lymphomas and skin malignancies, is more likely in immunosuppressed patients. In a large study, an increased incidence of lymphoma and Kaposi’s sarcoma was found in patients treated with cyclosporine relative to those treated with a combination of azathioprine and prednisone. In some reported cases of B-cell lymphoma, the Epstein-Barr virus genome was found in the malignant cells, suggesting opportunistic infection during a cyclosporine-induced immunosuppressed state. Immunologic: Immunologic side effects have included an increased patient susceptibility to opportunistic infections due to cyclosporine-induced immunosuppression. Accelerated hepatitis B and C infections, sometimes resulting in hepatic necrosis, Pneumocystis pneumoniae infections, as well as other viral, fungal, and bacterial infections have been reported in patients treated with cyclosporine. An in vitro study demonstrated enhanced intracellular cytomegalovirus production and virus spread, indicating an increased risk of CMV infection in cyclosporine-treated patients. Local: Local side effects including a cases of recurrent infusion phlebitis have been reported. Respiratory: Respiratory side effects have included respiratory arrest and aspiration pneumonia in one patient that lead to the death of that patient. Apotex subjected me to the most horrifying experiences imaginable. BEYOND ANY DOUBT I WAS EXPOSED TO VERY MANY (4000 +) DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES WITH OUT ANY PROTECTION AND THAT THEY CAUSED THE ADVERSE EFFECTS AND INJURIES I NOW SUFFER (Documented). Apotex (my former employer) ravaged me (my system)! Apotex exposed me with out any personal / collective protection to well over 4000 very potent chemicals / actives. The human nervous system is particularly vulnerable to toxic-chemical insults. Many chemicals can permanently disrupt nervous system function. Many of those side effects I do suffer includeing abnormal pigmentation, skin disorder , skin malignancies (basal cell carcinomas), very painful a soft-tissue mass (soft-tissue tumors/soft-tissue lumps etc. DECIVED, ABONDONED BY Ontario Labour Board, Ontario Ombudsmen Office, FAIR PRACTICES COMMISION, Ontario Worker Adviser, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, WSiB, -GOVERNMENT of ONTARIO. Unfortunately in my case many key Government Agencies turn out to be dysfunctional and criminal. I AM SUFFERING WITH OUT ANY HELP NOR CONSTITUTIONAL / LAW PROTECTION IN CANADA! The issue/problem becomes politically sensitive and concluding it in lawful manner is in the best interest of General Public. Regards, Apotex’s victim January 17, 2011 2:31 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir/Madam, After I was (am) tortured by Apotex, Ontario Labor Board, WSiB, Ontario’s Ombudsmen Office, Office of the Worker Adviser, Ontario Human Rights Commission / Tribunal, and some more Agencies (Canadian Government Institutions mandated to assist General Public in time of misfortune, suffer and despair) in April 2010 I turned for help to Amnesty International (Amnesty International Canada (English Speaking) 312 Laurier Avenue East Ottawa, Ontario Canada UNFORTUNATELLY THEY DID NOT RESPOND TO ME IN ANY MANNER. Appears, that Amnesty International Canada jumps ONLY in to help of alleged terrorists as evidence /public record shows. Those Institutions deprived me from Constitutional and Law protection and selected to engage in criminal activities and assist criminal Corporation which is stone waling an Ontarian / victim with life threatening medical conditions. ) . I AM TORTURED, DECIVED, ABONDONED, SUFFERING AND WITH OUT CONSTITUTIONAL AND LAW PROTECTION IN CANADA! “Amnesty International is… A worldwide movement of people dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights. We are building a world in which every person enjoys the rights included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. Towards this end: *Amnesty International takes action to stop grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination. • We campaign, for example, to free prisoners of conscience, protect refugees, abolish the death penalty, and end political killings, ‘disappearances’ and torture. • Amnesty International seeks to expose human rights abuses accurately and quickly. We systematically and independently research the facts of individual cases and patterns of human rights abuses. These findings are publicized, and members, supporters and staff then mobilize persistent public pressure on governments, armed political groups, companies and others to prevent and stop these violations. • Amnesty International promotes public awareness and understanding of the full range of human rights, and we work with a global community of organizations to ensure broad support and respect for all human rights. • Amnesty International is governed by its members; we are independent of all governments, political persuasions and religious creeds. We are funded by our members and donors, and no funds are sought or accepted from governments • “We all shine with our own small light; together we blaze like the sun.” IN MY CASE Amnesty International Canada did not proof its mandate. CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY? Regards, Apotex’s victim January 31, 2011 5:39 PM Andrew said: WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARDS WHILE TORTURING, TORMENTING, DENYING LEGITYMATE CLAIMS AND YES- KILLING INJURED WORKERS ALL ACROSS CANADA IN BC AWORDED A BENEFIT TO AN “EXECUTIONER” WHO KILLED IN COLD BLOOD AND IN HORRIFING WAY A 100 CHAINED SLED DOGS!! …………:) SO NOW IN ORDER TO GET A LIFE TIME WORKERS COMPENSATION BENEFIT ONE NEEDS TO SLAUGHTER GREAT NUMBER OF ENOCENT ANIMALS / DOGS OR VORNUABLE FOLLOW CITIZENS AND CLAIM DRAMATIC STRESS DISORDER! NICE PRECEDENS WORKER INSURANCE Boards?!! “EXECUTIONER” LIKE THIS REPRESENTS PERFECT MATERIAL FOR MASS MURDERER / SERIAL KILLER!!! NOW IT IS A TIME TO ENROLL ALONG III RAICH NASIES IN TO WORKERS COMPENSATION PAYROLL! THEY MAY CLAIM SOME REMORS FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY MOTIVATED BY EASY MONEY FROM WCB? IS THIS SITUATION NOT PERVERTED / SOCIALLY PATHOLOGICAL? UNFORTUNATELLY ALL INJURED WORKERS ARE TREATED BY WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARDS THE SAME WAY AS THOSE KILLED DOGS!!!……..). NO COMPASSION, NO HELP!!! February 1, 2011 4:41 PM Andrew said: WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARDS WHILE TORTURING, TORMENTING, DENYING LEGITYMATE CLAIMS AND YES- KILLING INJURED WORKERS ALL ACROSS CANADA IN BC AWORDED A BENEFIT TO AN “EXECUTIONER” WHO KILLED IN COLD BLOOD AND IN HORRIFING WAY A 100 CHAINED SLED DOGS!! …………:) SO NOW IN ORDER TO GET A LIFE TIME WORKERS COMPENSATION BENEFIT ONE NEEDS TO SLAUGHTER GREAT NUMBER OF ENOCENT ANIMALS / DOGS OR VORNUABLE FOLLOW CITIZENS AND CLAIM DRAMATIC STRESS DISORDER! NICE PRECEDENS WORKER INSURANCE Boards?!! “EXECUTIONER” LIKE THIS REPRESENTS PERFECT MATERIAL FOR MASS MURDERER / SERIAL KILLER!!! NOW IT IS A TIME TO ENROLL ALONG III RAICH NASIES IN TO WORKERS COMPENSATION PAYROLL! THEY MAY CLAIM SOME REMORS FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY MOTIVATED BY EASY MONEY FROM WCB? IS THIS SITUATION NOT PERVERTED / SOCIALLY PATHOLOGICAL? UNFORTUNATELLY ALL INJURED WORKERS ARE TREATED BY WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARDS THE SAME WAY AS THOSE KILLED DOGS!!!……..). NO COMPASSION, NO HELP!!! February 1, 2011 4:45 PM Andrew said: In Ontario, due to Government’s Legislation of “consolidation” of COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, and TRYBUNALS etc. (all Agencies dealing with LABOUR FORCE MANAGEMENT) SYSTEM CREATED institutionalized /SYSTEMIC MAFIA, WHICH COLLECTIVELLY ACTS TO CRIMINALLY OBUSE, TORMENT, TORTURE, and DEFROUD LABOUR FORCE OF ONTARIO! DEEPLY DISFUNCTIONAL AND HIGHLY CRIMINAL LEGALIZED / LEGISLATED SYSTEM!!!!! February 2, 2011 2:22 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir / Madam, Ontario’s Commission as well as Tribunal of Human Rights is perpetuating culture of crime and violations of Human Rights in Ontario (operates as a coordination centre, predator / violator of human rights). Acts on behalf of interest Groups and Organizations violating all Laws and Legislatives and committing crimes against Citizens. Tribunal acts as a coordinating link amongst Government Agencies committing crimes against Citizens. OHRC / T CREATED A CRIMINALLY ORGANIZED VISIOUS RING TO DESTROY / demoralize COMPLAINANTS AND DELUTE LIGITIMATE CASES IN TIME AND OVERWELMING ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS SYSTEMIC PROBLEM AND IT BECOME POLITICALLY SENSITIVE. List of crimes committed by Ontario’s Commission as well as Tribunal of Human Rights is long. Two recent examples of criminal activities against defenseless Ontarians: • “The Superior Court struck down the “fatally flawed” OHRC / T decision as so unfair to defendant M. T. — who represented herself in the hearing — that it was “simply not possible to logically follow the pathway taken by the adjudicator.” • “Criminal complaint filed against Canadian “Human Rights” Commission for theft of WiFi signals in order to spy on Canadians and post racist messages on websites”. Over the past few weeks it has been revealed that employees of the Canadian Human Rights Commission have been using fake pseudonyms to sign up accounts on websites. In explosive allegations with the Ottawa Police Service and the RCMP, not only were the CHRC spying and posting misinformation, but they connected to the unsecured wireless access point of an unsuspecting neighbor and impersonated her internet connection to do it! It was revealed at the Federal Court of Canada that accounts were used by numerous CHRC employees, but primarily by a Senior Investigator named Dean Steacy. It is now becoming crystal clear why the Human Rights Commission had so strenuously fought the issuance of the subpoena. Ontario Human Rights Commission / Tribunal – a criminal/ terror Agency TORTURING, TORMENTING, DENYING LEGITYMATE CLAIMS! Ontario Human Rights Commission / Tribunal in Ontario CREATED institutionalized /SYSTEMIC MAFIA, WHICH COLLECTIVELLY ACTS TO CRIMINALLY OBUSE, TORMENT, TORTURE, and DEFROUD citizens in need of assistance ( ONTARIANS)! DEEPLY DISFUNCTIONAL AND HIGHLY CRIMINAL LEGALIZED / LEGISLATED SYSTEM OF “HUMAN RIGHTS in Ontario!!!!! February 17, 2011 8:52 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir/Madam, Each day viewers are allowed to ask a CNN doctor a question. The answer, following a viewer’s question, below comes from CNN Health expert doctor Dr. Charles Raison, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University, and an expert in the mind-body connection for health. The following was asked: I would like to get off of it but have heard of the many side effects associated with stopping it. Brain “buzzes” and various other frightening possibilities. How can I stop Paxil without those side effects? Expert answer: There is good news and bad news about your situation. The good news is that only about 20 percent (?-Glaxo / Apotex have never carried out any withdrawal studies regarding Seroxat ) of patients who take antidepressants experience these type of withdrawal symptoms when they discontinue the medications. The bad news is that you have two risk factors for experiencing an antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. First you have been on your antidepressant for an extended period. Second, you are taking Paxil (generic paroxetine) which – because of its short “half-life” in the body – is especially notorious for causing withdrawal problems. There are two very important things you can do to reduce your risk of having the type of symptoms you describe. First, you should work closely with your health care provider. Second, you should never just stop the medication. Probably the all-time best way to experience antidepressant withdrawal is to just suddenly stop the medication. Doing this is a shock to the nervous system, which has adjusted its neurotransmitter release based on the presence of the antidepressant. In the case of medications like Paxil that affect serotonin, we believe most of the withdrawal symptoms are related to a sudden increase in serotonin activity for which body and brain are not prepared. The first thing a good clinician will do is closely examine whether stopping the Paxil is a good idea in the first place. If you have been on the medication for 10 years and are emotionally stable, it might be the right thing to do. Even if it makes sense to do this, a good clinician will be carefully watching, not just for withdrawal symptoms, but also for any sign that the psychiatric condition that prompted you to take the medication in the first place isn’t coming back. The most common symptoms of a Paxil withdrawal syndrome are feeling like you have the flu, often in combination with dizziness, sensory disturbances (like the buzzing you describe) and anxiety/agitation and many, many more. The trick to lowering your chances of having these symptoms is to reduce the dose of the antidepressant as slowly as possible. For people who are really sensitive it can take months to get off an antidepressant slowly enough to avoid withdrawal symptoms. I recommend starting to work with your clinician to slowly lower the dose. If you feel fine you might try lowering the dose more rapidly as it feels comfortable. Another classic that, in the main, is believed by doctors. “It can’t be the drug, it must be the illness returning.” So, if a patient has been suppressing feelings of depression for 10 years with Seroxat, why, when trying to stop the drug, is the depression still there? It can take years to taper off Seroxat, some people have tried many times and are resigned to the fact that they will be on Seroxat for the rest of their lives because the withdrawal symptoms are too unbearable. In my case, Apotex subjected me to disabling and deadly withdrawal effects associated with Paxil and other very potent products Apotex exposed me to (potent immunosuppressant, brain function controlling drugs / psychiatric, antidepressants and narcotics) which overwhelmed my system. What a crime it was to drop me off “cold turkey” when I was withdrawn creating additional damage and leading me into an additional serotonin nightmare. Apotex did not allow me to withdraw gradually? Apotex, who exposes own employees to these extremely addictive drugs with out any protection, with no warning of the addictive properties should be held accountable for the results of that lack of warning and criminal negligence. Withdrawal from these serotonergic antidepressants, according to the World Health Organization, appears to be even worse than the benzodiazaphines – which already have one of the worst reputations for serious withdrawal. Apotex subjected me to the most horrifying experiences imaginable. The symptoms of Paxil withdrawal are among the most horrifying experiences imaginable. The symptoms can take your life and rip it to shreds, mocking your dignity and stealing your freedom. They ravage your soul. They deaden your spirit. Ironically, death often seems like a blessing, so great is the pain of Paxil Withdrawal Symptoms. Taking Paxil is like putting a loaded gun to your head. You better be damn sure you need it before you start. The withdrawal process can mirror every depiction of hell. The paxil withdrawals can truly test your sanity. Perhaps the two worse mental expressions of the paxil withdrawals are the overwhelming feelings of being isolated, cut off from the world and even from loved ones, and the fear of permanently losing your sanity. The isolation stems in large part from the inability to express or even understand what is happening. Nobody can really look inside another person and know the degree of their suffering. The bottom line – no one knows ahead of time if they will be one of the unfortunate who suffer horrendously, or if they will be spared the ravages of the paxil withdrawals. Drugs, by definition – are poisons to the body. All drugs are poisons. Sometimes, however, a person’s state has reached the point where a poison is the best option. The symptoms redefine the term nightmare. Their nature is such, that you will find yourself questioning your sanity on a continual basis. A certain lethargy and a depression that was not there beforehand seems to have taken hold. Company got rid off of all remaining employees to avoid Legal /Criminal liabilities due to long term adverse side effects experienced by employees because of unprotected products exposures/contamination. At the time there wasn’t present on the duty any Supervisor, neither Manager nor any one who would take charge of the situation. Many products Company processed with out compliance with any regulations and with out providing adequate/any protection for employees. We did have on daily bases incidents/accidents, equipment failures and substantial product spills. The fumes/toxic smog made me and all others struggle to take air and I could not make my lungs to move, it made every nerve and cell within me screaming … and I experience “electrical-jolt” type sensations throughout my entire body…, the nausea I experienced was so terrible that I felt as if I could go on throwing up for hours, my brain felt as if it was “swimming” inside of my skull…, my heart fluttered – I felt as if at any moment, my heart will explode and I will drop dead with a heart attack. ………, made my dizziness, drowsiness and general “mental fog” out of control. It was getting so bad that I thought about being in “ twightlight zone”., made me like being floating in my surroundings, made me feel very lethargic, made me sweating profusely, blurred my vision, prompted muscle cramps and stomach cramps, numbness, trembling, reduced my motor skills, created big difficulty walking or talking and much much more of horrifying sensations. BEYOND ANY DOUBT I WAS MASSIVELLY EXPOSED TO DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES WITH OUT ANY PROTECTION AND THAT THEY CAUSED THE ADVERSE EFECTS AND INJURIES I NOW SUFFER. Company, with its mandate to bring relief / help to people suffering from many medical conditions did make me disable (work related medical conditions). TorPharm/Apotex committed crime against me destroying my health and life by criminal negligence! For very long time they further victimized me denying me my Constitutional Rights to be able to provide for myself and to obtain medical help. Regards February 18, 2011 5:48 PM Andrew said: Dear Sir, The lawlessness of the Apotex, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity! Apotex’s criminal acts will be long remembered as its campaign against health consumers. Apotex established a power of such scale and scope that it attempts to bypass all laws, the will of Legislative Assembly, Parliament and fundamental protections for consumers. This may as well be called a “Final Solution” for employees of Big Pharma, drug consumers /General Public. Employees / Consumers can no sue drug company for the harm caused by any Apotex’s drug, even if the drug’s manufacturer intentionally misled the FDA / Public by hiding or fabricating clinical trial data. Apotex managed to outright eliminate of any responsibility whatsoever for the suffering and death caused by criminal negligence / deadly pharmaceuticals. Such a position has no basis in law. The ploy has, “…nothing to do with science. It is contrary to Canada’s Judicial / Constitutional system. It is contrary to all the law! Apotex is dangerous to Population in 115 Countries importing Apotex’s product! This is outrageous at a time when so many Canadians /Americans and other sick people around the World are routinely killed by contaminated medications, the harmful side effects of prescription drugs. This only contributes to the arrogance and absurdity of this rogue Company that has now become the No. 1 threat to the health and safety of the people. Even a terrorist nuclear attack on a major city would not equal the number of C anadians / Americans who have already been killed by the negligent actions of Apotex /the FDA. FDA-approved prescription drugs injure 2.2 million and kill approximately 100,000 Americans each year, according to peer-reviewed published studies, and more realistic estimates put the number of deaths at over 200,000 people annually in the United States alone (see Death By Medicine for detailed statistics). For example Vioxx, according to senior FDA drug safety researcher Dr. David Graham, appears responsible for the deaths of over 60,000 Americans, and further deaths due to beta blockers, antidepressant drugs, statins and other medications continue to mount by the hour. The resulting FDA body count of American casualties makes the casualties of war look small in comparison. The Vietnam War claimed the lives of approximately 50,000 Americans (plus many more Vietnamese), and a memorial in Washington D.C. honors those who died. But FDA-approved prescription drugs have killed well over a million Americans, yet no memorial will be built. It’s not like these consumers were killed by enemy gunfire in a foreign land; they were killed by American companies, on American soil, with the full permission and approval of an American regulatory agency! The enemy from within is, indeed, far more dangerous than any foreign threat to the lives of American citizens. Not since World War II have so many Americans died from a single, common, preventable cause, and it almost seems that the FDA has declared war on the American people and is using chemical weapons to win that war. The scourge of dangerous prescription drugs, combined with willful collusion at the FDA, has now created a chemical holocaust on U.S. /Canadian soil that will continue to claim the lives of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons until the American /Canadian people demand that justice be served and that the FDA / pharmaceutical industrial complex be dismantled and condemned through some modern-day equivalent of the Nuremberg Trials. How many millions more have to die from this chemical holocaust before this reign of medical terror is brought to an end? Apotex / drug companies do operate with impunity, shouldering absolutely no responsibility for the harmful (even fatal) side effects of their prescription drugs, many of which we are now learning were only approved under highly suspicious circumstances that smack of fraud, corruption and outright criminal intent. Consumers harmed or killed by toxic prescription drugs — even drugs that their manufacturers knew were extremely dangerous — have no recourse whatsoever. If present rules were to go unchallenged, the degree of profiteering by Big Pharma would be unprecedented. Free to charge monopoly prices thanks to the FDA-enforced domestic drug racket that outlaws international competition, and unburdened by the financial risk of lawsuits from consumers harmed by their drugs, Big Pharma is being emboldened to unleash a dystopian era of unprecedented disease mongering, bribery of doctors, false advertising and the mass drugging of children, adults and seniors alike… with absolutely nothing to hold them in check. This result may, in fact, have been the intention all along. A more detailed legal criticism is offered by Karen Barth Menzies, an attorney at Baum Hedlund in Los Angeles. The rules as they stand do represent the end of health justice, the end of the power of Parlament / Legislative/Congress, and the surrender of absolute power to an agency (FDA) of such arrogance and evil that it has conducted armed raids on vitamin clinics, organized the raid of a church, and even ordered the destruction of recipe books it didn’t want to see published. The FDA, through its willful negligence, is indirectly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than all terrorists, murderers and drunk drivers combined. As the deaths continue to mount, and drug companies become even more aggressive with outlandish disease mongering and advertising efforts, the FDA rears up to unleash a new wave of corporate terrorism upon the American /Canadian people by emboldening drug companies to care even less about the safety of their synthetic chemical products, most of which cause harm by their very nature of being foreign to the human body. As Menzies explains: “Pharmaceutical industry lobbying efforts and zealot tort reformers have sired a new wave of brazen attempts to shield drug manufacturers from tort liability. The preemption language in the preamble to the Final Rule is but the latest attempt. Preemption has become the argument du jour and politically appointed regulatory officials the mouthpieces. The crafty messages sound of consumer protection, but are just the opposite. Limiting the liability of drug companies will not improve public safety. The FDA’s purported position on preemption assumes that the FDA is infallible and that negligent misconduct by pharmaceutical companies should be the sole purview of FDA. R LikeLike

    Comment by Andrew | March 19, 2011, 4:54 PM

  5. Andrew said:
    … this is a chemical holocaust against General Public!! What needs to happen before this reign of medical terror is brought to an end?
    March 9, 2011 1:38 PM
    Andrew said:
    Dear Sir//Madam,
    As I did communicate to you before, many of my medical conditions were determined by Doctors / Specialists, but due to Aponte’s criminal influence/ criminal conspiracy most of them were omitted by Doctors, Adjudicators or reduced in to insignificance (so forth left untreated). Please include in my File additional conditions resulting from my very long and unprotected exposure to very toxic molecules during my employment at Apotex which I do suffer from right now.
    Please include into my File additional medical condition MALICIOUSLY in BAD FAITH, by means of fraud, deception , intentional deceit, perfidy was omitted by all involved in my Case including Apotex’s Counsel Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP -who argues a legal position that he knows to be false – a Counsel who uses language and criminally twisted reasoning/ methodology which are deliberately misleading in order to deny my claim. Counsel, who is not willing /able to sincerely endorse the principles of justice), most Doctors, a CRIMINAL WSiB and all Government Agencies involved in my Case.
    Company criminally concealed names/ nature of processed products. Company processed products with out regulatory permits in Facility not approved for those products (not providing any personal / collective protection for Personnel), did not post Safety Data Shits , Work Orders and did not disclose short and long term health hazards do to massive unprotected exposures. That was done during 6.5 years of very extensive construction / demolition / expansion. I am suffering a great deal with life threatening medical conditions not able to afford groceries, needed medications or to pay any of my financial dues. I am not able to perform any chores around my residence, forced to relay on assistance. I was “swimming in” / a massive exposure with out any protection to a potent immunosuppressant used for organ transplants, brain function controlling drugs (psychiatric), antidepressants , blood pressure / composition controlling drugs, narcotics etc. which overwhelmed my system
    Doctors and Government Agencies disregarded my (a Basal-cell carcinoma) which I developed during my employment with Apotex.
    In 2003 I developed it on my one leg.
    Since that time (7 years of deny of medical and all other help) it showed up on my two legs, arm, neck and a face.
    The condition spread / deteriorated during period of 7 years after Apotex’s criminal termination of me a very sick employee as well as due to adversary action by Apotex (and accomplices).
    Please, kindly include (amongst my other life threatening medical conditions) discovery of large and very painful a soft-tissue mass (soft-tissue tumors/soft-tissue lumps) on my extremities (arms and a leg). The conditions were discovered by number of Doctors (amongst Dr. Brian Gibson LAMP Occupational Health Centre, Dr. Jakubovic Dermatologist /Specialist in Occupational Health Services (Department of Occupational and Environmental Health in St. Michael’s Hospital)
    Unfortunately for diagnosticians, the epidemiological and clinical features of patients presenting with a malignant soft-tissue tumor do not differ substantially from those of patients with a benign soft-tissue tumor. Carcinomas can metastasize to soft tissues and lymphomas can erode.
    My disconection with environment / disconnection with emotions. Lately, one of my many medical conditions deteriorated and imposes on me a lot of difficulties and enormous stress.
    During my employment I developed lungs problem (due to product side effects- reported to Superiors and documented). My autonomic function of lungs (a function of the respiratory cycles) has been compromised.
    More and more frequently I am stopping to breathe with out a warning. These are relatively short in duration episodes but I am not in control of them. Despite my conscious mind I struggle in-vein to take air and I can not make my lungs to move. I suspect that my neurons / neurotransmitters are affected / damaged (altered function / communication) by active ingredients at work.
    When I position my eyes to the right or left, without moving my head, I experience extreme vertigo….
    Every nerve and cell within me is screaming … and I experience “electrical-jolt” type sensations throughout my entire body…
    The nausea I experience everyday is so terrible that I feel as if I could go on throwing up for hours,
    My brain feels as if it’s “swimming inside of my skull…
    My heart flutters so fast and sporadically, I feel as if at any moment, my heart will explode and I will drop dead with a heart attack. ………
    The side effects of these drugs are extremely annoying. (Short term memory loss, insomnia, loss of libido etc) to name a few.
    But NOTHING compares to the nightmarish HELL I experience of coming off of all these anti-depressant type drugs, narcotics etc.
    I was told that I do have permanent problems!
    It has been hell for years with my anxiety, depression, zaps, pain etc.
    I feel like I want to die!
    Please overcome obstacles preventing you from disclosing those diagnoses.
    In law, there are inconsistent definitions of bad faith, with one definition much more broad than used in other fields. Black’s Law Dictionary equates fraud with bad faith. But one goes to jail for fraud, and not necessarily for bad faith. The Duhaime online law dictionary similarly defines bad faith broadly as “intent to deceive”, and “a person who intentionally tries to deceive or mislead another in order to gain some advantage”. A Canadian labor arbitrator wrote, in one case, that bad faith is related to rationality in reasoning, as it is used in other fields, but is ill defined in the law.
    The concept of bad faith is likely not capable of precise calibration and certainly has not been defined in the same way by all adjudicators. At its core, bad faith implies malice or ill will. A decision made in bad faith is grounded, not on a rational connection between the circumstances and the outcome, but on antipathy toward the individual for non-rational reasons… The absence of a rational basis for the decision implies that factors other than those relevant were considered. In that sense, a decision in bad faith is also arbitrary. These comments are not intended to put to rest the debate over the definition of bad faith. Rather, it is to point out that bad faith, which has its core in malice and ill will, at least touches, if not wholly embraces, the related concepts of unreasonableness, discrimination and arbitrariness.
    What was called “Canada’s best judicial definition of ‘bad faith'” by Duhaime’s Legal Dictionary is similarly more consistent with use in other fields.
    Good faith and its opposite, bad faith, imports a subjective state of mind, the former motivated by honesty of purpose and the latter by ill-will.
    Duhaime also refers to another description, “…bad faith refers to a subjective state of mind… motivated by ill will … or even sinister purposes.”
    Punitive and exemplary damages
    Courts can award punitive or exemplary damages, over and above the claim, against any Corporation / individual or/and insurance company which is found to have adjusted a claim in bad faith; the damages may be awarded with the aim of deterring such behavior among insurers in general, and may far exceed the amount of the damage due under the insurance policy. In Canada, one case of this type resulted in a record punitive award of $1 million CAD when an insurance company pressed a claim for arson even after its own experts and adjusters had come to the conclusion that the fire was accidental; the company was advised by legal council that the desperate insured parties would be willing to settle for much less than what they were owed.
    IN MY CASE, Mr.Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) did knowingly and willfully make a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the Ontario Labor Board, WSiB (Workers Compensation Insurance Board), Ontario Human Rights Commission /Tribunal, obstructed Ontario Health Act, Ontario Labor Law as well as Canadian Constitution etc.
    IN MY CASE, Mr.Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did cause /contribute to permanent disability, irreparable damage.
    Company and all involved in sabotaging of my allegations must be INDICTED and convicted on multiple offences / crimes (Criminal Code, Constitutional provisions, Bill – 45, Bill 107, Bill – 168 and other Law provisions).
    Best Regards,
    (Apotex’s victim)
    March 13, 2011 1:22 PM
    Andrew said:
    It’s like an episode of Hogan’s Heroes “and the commandant is sleeping.”
    You (any injured worker) should be paid from the date of an accident (Loss of Earnings Benefit and much more) but WSiB routinely defrauds desperate IW from back/ retroactive pay by psychologically working sick/injured workers with promises, that if YOU wave back pay, then they will start to pay “benefit” in no time with out EXCESSIVE scrutiny / investigation!
    March 14, 2011 11:33 AM
    Andrew said:
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Please PREVENT Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) on Criminal Grounds of Inadmissibility / committing acts which constitute the essential elements of a crime involving moral turpitude ( FROUD, CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY AND MANY MORE) , from participation in adjudicative process. An attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime is included in this ground. They committed/ committing acts which constitute the essential elements of a violation or conspiracy to violate many laws / regulations in Canada.
    The convictions arose not from a single trial or arose from a single scheme of conduct involving moral turpitude but from years long PATERN OF BEHAVIOUR. (Evidence).
    Those individuals engaged in criminal activities on behalf of Criminal Corporation (Apotex) FOR MANY YEARS AND THEY MUST BE STOPED!
    I know /have reason to believe that those individuals are known assisters, abettors, conspirators, colluders with others in the illicit acts to torture, discriminate, deny medical help to me / a disabled person.
    It is submitted , that Apotex / Counsel, Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) as well as Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) should be prevented from abuse and obstruction of ALL adjudicative processes and from making any frivolous, vexatious , trivial , made in bad faith suggestions with out any merit / scientific / legal bases further tormenting/ torturing me /a victim. Thos individuals should be charged with Contempt of all Administrative Boards, Commissions, Tribunals processes etc.
    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) falsified all records provided by them to all Government Agencies and engaged others / employees in criminal conspiracy (documented) which untimely further deteriorated(s) my state of health.
    Those individuals purposely are omitting very critical evidence and medical conditions (or are reducing it in to insignificance).
    For many years those individuals were committing crimes against me / a victim by falsifying/ concealing evidence / Documents, soliciting criminal witnesses etc.
    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) got engaged in intentional malicious conduct on behalf of Criminal Corporation violating all statutes with a reckless indifference. They acted in the face of a perceived risk that their actions will violate all laws, torture and destroy / kill suffering, sick person.
    Mr. Carl Peterson, (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos did knowingly and willfully make a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the Ontario Labor Board, WSiB, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Tribunal and other Government Agencies, in the process DENIED MEDICAL HELP as well as obstructed Canadian Constitution, Legal System etc.
    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did contribute to my permanent disability, irreparable damage. Issues and/or events which occurred after my departure from Employer are also in full are Apotex’s (Mr. Peterson’s -Company’s Counsel and Ms. Koos as accomplices /executors ) liabilities due to fact that those individuals on behalf of Apotex actively sabotaged legal /administrative proceedings in all Government Agencies in question. Preliminary matters are that Mr. Peterson (Company’s Counsel) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) in premeditated manner are torturing me for MANY, MANY years and pending. They / Company /accomplices act without any consideration for the human rights and my well being despite their awareness of my situation and familiarity with my File.
    Apotex is defiant, not regretful, with out remorse, not willing to correct wrong doings.
    Mr. Carl Peterson,(Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex) falsified or concealed all records provided by them to Ontario Labor Board, WSiB, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Tribunal and other Government Agencies (collectively Government) and engaged other people in criminal conspiracy (documented) which untimely further deteriorates my state of health. On behalf of Company they committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did contribute to permanent disability, irreparable damage.
    Those individuals got involved in my Case, purposely were omitting /altering very critical evidence and medical conditions (or were reducing it in to insignificance) and were paid for it while limiting my professional and personal life, making challenging my social life, destroyed my marriage, imposed extreme hardship on my family and relatives/friends and in vicious / malicious manner on on going bases are preventing me from enjoying my Constitutional Right to obtain medical help, be able to provide for myself etc.
    In near future I may select to proceed with CIVIL/ CRIMINAL/ LEGAL ACTIOMN AGAINST Mr. Carl Peterson , his Firm (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. K. Koos (Apotex).
    Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP):
    *Despite his OATH TO HER MAJESTY “JUSTICE” TO SERVE LOYALLY, JUSTIFETLY THOSE IN NEED /JUSTICE SYSTEM, unfortunately he selected to utilize his knowledge / expertise in criminal, amoral, unprincipled manner. He explored /utilized gross deficiencies of the Regulatory System and acted against very sick /disadvantaged / UNREPRESENTED ex-employee of criminal Corporation contributing great deal to my suffer and to my misery for many, many years.
    *He could not restrain his bad impulses.
    *He prevented me from access to Lawyers, to the legal system, to justice!
    *Mr. Carl Peterson did every thing in his capacity to make me unsuccessful in my drive for help and justice despite his awareness of my medical conditions / personal situation and the evidence conforming my allegations.
    *Mr. Carl Peterson directly disrespected me twice in the period of my struggle while during Mediation process in Labour Board he abandoned the proceedings and left the Conference Room with out saying any thing (out of the blue he got up and left the proceedings).
    *The same behaviour he demonstrated second time around during Mediation at Human Rights Commission living Room with out saying a world (out of the blue he got up and left the proceedings).
    *Mr. Carl Peterson wants to participate in judicial process conducted by WSIAT but he is not in position to make any decisions nor he has any authorisations to act on behalf of the Company to mediate any thing ( he did not forward any documents supporting his powers accept Participation Authorisation). The same situation was every were else.
    *Appears, that Mr. Carl Peterson wants yet again to derail this time around WSIAT’S PROCES.
    *This is fundamentally undemocratic and not acceptable!
    Legal profession changed very negatively in Canada.
    It becomes a business interested in making profit not making judgments based on merits.
    *Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) becomes enabler for Apotex! He manipulated system/ Government Agencies in order to torture, torment, deny of all civil/ constitutional rights, medical help to a disabled person etc.
    Ms. K. Koos (Apotex):
    • Despite numerous letters from WSiB demanding Safety Data from Employer, Ms. K. Koos for many months stagnated process claiming, that SHE MUST PREPARE /fabricate THEM (SHE DID SORTE OUT WHAT WAS IN SUPPORT OF MY CLAIM) and provided selective / bias info.
    • Ms. K. Koos obtain “list of products” that I was exposed to (?) from dysfunctional employee who during his employment created an accident at work place and he become a victim of it. Later on he becomes Apotex’s “safety” rep. and a criminally motivated “witness”.
    • She miss represented herself claiming , that she did on regular bases meet with me to discuss safety issues and to do some safety quizzes while the truth are that she started her employment with Apotex 3 (three) years after I was criminally terminated.
    • Ms. K. Koos Provided number of quizzes to WSiB , which she claimed that I did complete during employment , while in fact all of them were completed by me in one / first day of my employment in 1997.
    • Ms. K. Koos altered my personal / Company’s medical records withholding / canceling all Records indicating my medical problems during my employment
    • Ms. K. Koos cancels Company’s Record indicating , that I was perfectly healthy before my employment with Apotex
    • She removed Company’s Records generated by Health and Safety Clinic recording fact that I never was issued any mask / protective equipment,
    • She counseled record, that Company was under construction during my 6,5 years of employment and all equipment / systems were invalidated/ not functional and buildings were substantially demolished with piles of debris constantly present in Manufacturing /Packaging areas during processes.
    • She concealed fact that during my employment Company did not have a Nurse on the stuff NOR OFFICIALY ORGANIZED SAFETY DEPARTMENT.
    • She did not disclose that most Apotex’s employees from my period of employment were temporary and are not employed any more.
    • She did not admit as Company’s Record show, that I worked with out any management, with out any in process quality control, on night shifts and that all my allegations are cross referenced by evidence.
    • Etc., etc., etc.
    Please include into my File additional medical condition MALICIOUSLY and in BAD FAITH, by means of fraud, deception , intentional deceit, perfidy omitted by all involved in my Case including Apotex’s Counsel Mr. Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP -who argues a legal position that he knows to be false – a Counsel who uses language and criminally twisted reasoning/ methodology which are deliberately misleading in order to deny my claim. Counsel, who is not willing /able to sincerely endorse the principles of justice), most Doctors, a CRIMINAL WSiB and all Government Agencies involved in my Case.
    In law, there are inconsistent definitions of bad faith, with one definition much more broad than used in other fields. Black’s Law Dictionary equates fraud with bad faith. But one goes to jail for fraud, and not necessarily for bad faith. The Duhaime online law dictionary similarly defines bad faith broadly as “intent to deceive”, and “a person who intentionally tries to deceive or mislead another in order to gain some advantage”. A Canadian labor arbitrator wrote, in one case, that bad faith is related to rationality in reasoning, as it is used in other fields, but is ill defined in the law.
    The concept of bad faith is likely not capable of precise calibration and certainly has not been defined in the same way by all adjudicators. At its core, bad faith implies malice or ill will. A decision made in bad faith is grounded, not on a rational connection between the circumstances and the outcome, but on antipathy toward the individual for non-rational reasons… The absence of a rational basis for the decision implies that factors other than those relevant were considered. In that sense, a decision in bad faith is also arbitrary. These comments are not intended to put to rest the debate over the definition of bad faith. Rather, it is to point out that bad faith, which has its core in malice and ill will, at least touches, if not wholly embraces, the related concepts of unreasonableness, discrimination and arbitrariness.
    What was called “Canada’s best judicial definition of ‘bad faith'” by Duhaime’s Legal Dictionary is similarly more consistent with use in other fields.
    Good faith and its opposite, bad faith, imports a subjective state of mind, the former motivated by honesty of purpose and the latter by ill-will.
    Duhaime also refers to another description, “…bad faith refers to a subjective state of mind… motivated by ill will … or even sinister purposes.”
    Punitive and exemplary damages
    Courts can award punitive or exemplary damages, over and above the claim, against any Corporation / individual or/and insurance company which is found to have adjusted a claim in bad faith; the damages may be awarded with the aim of deterring such behavior among insurers in general, and may far exceed the amount of the damage due under the insurance policy. In Canada, one case of this type resulted in a record punitive award of $1 million CAD when an insurance company pressed a claim for arson even after its own experts and adjusters had come to the conclusion that the fire was accidental; the company was advised by legal council that the desperate insured parties would be willing to settle for much less than what they were owed.
    IN MY CASE, Mr.Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) did knowingly and willfully make a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statements and representation in a matter within the jurisdiction of the Ontario Labor Board, WSiB (Workers Compensation Insurance Board), Ontario Human Rights Commission /Tribunal, obstructed Ontario Health Act, Ontario Labor Law as well as Canadian Constitution etc.
    IN MY CASE, Mr.Carl Peterson (Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP) and Ms. Koos (Apotex) committed many counts of perverting the course of justice or intending to pervert the course of justice, many counts of perjury, criminal conspiracy, criminal negligence, criminal recruitment of false witnesses, attempted murder, did cause /contribute to permanent disability, irreparable damage.
    Company and all involved in sabotaging of my allegations must be INDICTED and convicted on multiple offences / crimes (Criminal Code, Constitutional provisions, Bill – 45, Bill 107, Bill – 168 and other Law provisions).
    Best Regards,
    (Apotex’s victim)


    Comment by Andrew | March 19, 2011, 4:55 PM

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